Nokia: Running in molasses S 17.41 Add Comment AppleiphonenokiaOSsymbian Every time I think about Nokia and Symbian, I can't help picturing a man knee-deep in molasses, running as fast as he can. He's wor...
Proposition 8 and community review sites: Everyone loses S 19.04 Add Comment Communityrubicon What happens to a community review site when members of the community use it as a weapon against people they don't approve of? Sites li...
Mobile data: Be careful what you wish for S 21.13 Add Comment mobile datatraffic The consensus around the industry seems to be that mobile data is starting to take off. Text messaging is still the leading data function, ...
The Influencers are dead. Or not. S 21.07 Add Comment influencers As we continue to sort through the results from Rubicon's recent research on Internet usage ( link ), we're finding interesting insi...
Great Gadgets : Honeywell CM67 programmable Thermostat S 02.01 Add Comment energy savinggadgetsgreenhoneywellHouseholdthermostat A gadget which I think goes largely unnoticed by consumers and plumbers alike is the programmable thermostat. I have a Honeywell CM67 but th...
Everything you always wanted to know about web community, and then some S 16.23 Add Comment Communityinternetnew mediarubicon It's been a long time since I posted, and I apologize. In addition to doing a bunch of work for clients at Rubicon, I have been preoccu...
App stores and APIs: It's the ecosystem, stupid S 22.30 Add Comment Appleapplicationsdevelopersmicrosoftmobile datanokiaPalm If you make a web application or mobile platform, one of the trendiest things you can do is add APIs and a software marketplace to it so dev...
Conference time S 23.44 Add Comment I'll be doing the Grande Tour des Conferences in the San Francisco area next week. Let me know if you'll be in town and want to me...
Does anybody really know what smartphone market share is? S 23.24 Add Comment AppleRIMsmartphones An article in Wired online this week had a chart showing US smartphone market share ( link ). The chart gave more detail than I've seen...
Only 10% of Japanese people know how to use all the functions in their mobile phones S 23.37 Add Comment japansmartphones A Japanese survey of mobile phone users, translated by What Japan Thinks, reports that only about 10% of Japanese mobile phone users say the...
Hypenotized by Apple S 22.47 Add Comment Applemicrosoftwindows Watching the cloud of hype around last week's release of the new iPhone, I was struck by the way Apple's psychological influence ove...
The end of the dream S 18.51 Add Comment psionsymbian No matter how it works out in the long run, the purchase of Symbian by Nokia marks the end of a dream -- the creation of a new independent O...
Symbian changes everything, and nothing S 01.16 Add Comment androidgoogleiphonenokiaOSsymbianWindows Mobile [With a correction made on June 26.] The Symbian Foundation announcement today is a fascinating change in business strategy, but I'm no...
Thoughts on the 3G iPhone announcement S 00.24 Add Comment Appleiphone Apple's 3G iPhone announcement today was probably the minimum necessary to please the community. The real news was the things that were...
Nokia goes for 1% market share in the US S 11.01 Add Comment applicationsiphoneN95nokiasmartphones Okay, I'll admit in advance that this is going to be a pretty snarky post, but it never ceases to amaze me how badly Nokia handles itsel...