The spontaneous society S 20.43 Add Comment mobile In school they teach you that one of the drivers of economic progress over the centuries has been society's increasingly accurate manage...
How to make a college basketball fan very, very happy S 23.19 Add Comment video A year ago I wrote a frustrated critique of the CBS television network's online coverage of the US national college basketball tournamen...
How to build a gaming PC from a Dell Dimension 2350 S 00.06 Add Comment DelldimensionGamingnVidiaPCPCI "What a piece of junk!" "She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where ...
Maybe it's possible to have too many developers S 20.07 Add Comment I never thought I'd say that, but Apple's making me wonder. Apple says 100,000 developers have already downloaded the iPhone SDK ( ...
The iPhone SDK: Apple gets it right S 23.53 Add Comment Appleapplicationsdevelopersiphonemicrosoft I have time tonight for only a quick note on Apple's iPhone software developer kit announcement. Overall, it is deeply impressive how m...
Nokia and Microsoft, sittin' in a tree... S 21.30 Add Comment AirApolloapplicationsdevelopersmicrosoftmobilenokiaplatformsSilverlightWindows Mobile There's so much hype in the mobile industry that I'm always reluctant to use a word like "shocking," but nothing else fits...
The three laws of technology strategy S 21.22 Add Comment internetmobile The other day when I was writing about the fate of mobile apps ( link ), I mentioned one of the laws of technology strategy. It made me rea...
Following up on "Mobile Applications, RIP" S 20.05 Add Comment applicationsmobilemobile data I was very surprised by the volume of responses to last week's post on the decline of the mobile applications business. Many of the com...