Nokia goes for 1% market share in the US S 11.01 Add Comment applicationsiphoneN95nokiasmartphones Okay, I'll admit in advance that this is going to be a pretty snarky post, but it never ceases to amaze me how badly Nokia handles itsel...
WiMax gets closer and further away at the same time S 23.18 Add Comment androidclearwiregooglemobile datasprintwimax A strangely cryptic article in the New York Times today announced that several companies had banded together "to build the first of a n...
A Dalek at the bottom of the garden S 02.02 Add Comment compostdalekDr Whogreen I emptied out one of our compost bins, and at the same time took delivery of a couple of old leaking water butts which I cut the bottoms off...
Adobe frees mobile flash: It's about time S 23.29 Add Comment AirApollodevelopersgooglemicrosoftnokiaqualcommrubiconSilverlightweb apps Today Adobe announced a series of changes to its emerging web applications platform. The changes include: --The next version of the mobile ...