Replacing the brushes in an AEG lavamat 72620 washing machine S 03.01 Add Comment AEGHouseholdwashing machines I'd recently noticed that clothes were often still rather wet when I took them out of the machine. This started around November, but lat...
News flash: Microsoft lied S 22.57 Add Comment microsoft "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" --Claude Rains, Casablanca I'm a little late in getting...
The Palm Pre: Think Similar S 22.49 Add Comment androidAppleiphonePalmPreRIM Palm died. Palm OS died. Get over it. Now let's talk about this new company, and product, that happens to be named Palm. I don't ...
Welcome to the real world S 22.40 Add Comment The most memorable quote I heard at this year's Consumer Electronics Show came from a business contact who works with a lot of different...
Will the mobile phone really eat the PC? S 20.48 Add Comment netbookssmartphone It's long been an article of faith for many mobile enthusiasts that mobile phones are going to become the dominant means by which the hu...