Economy 7 S 01.06 Add Comment currentcostdishwasherEconomy 7Electricityelectricty monitorenergy savinggreenHouseholdwashing machines I am on an Economy 7 electricity tariff. E7 , as it's abbreviated, offers lower cost electricity at night, but with slightly higher day...
what to do with an old hard drive S 13.55 Add Comment greenhard driveplatterrecyclingsalvagesolar Over the years I have accumulated a number of old PC hard drives. Some were mine, other from neighbours & friends who asked if I could ...
A quick history of software platforms: How we got here, and where we're going S 23.49 Add Comment metaplatformmobileOSplatformsweb apps Intuit and Stanford recently asked me to give talks on computer platforms and what makes them successful. (By platforms I mean software wit...
Current Cost CC128 S 00.20 Add Comment cc128currentcostelectricty monitorenergy savinggadgetsgreenHousehold My latest gadget, which I have had for a few months is the Current Cost CC128 . This device displays how much electricity we use , in real t...