iPad: The (attempted) Windows killer S 23.43 Add Comment Appleebookipadkindlemicrosoftnokiatablet (Well, you've got to admit, that's not something you'll be reading on most other weblogs today.) Ten hours after the Apple iPad ...
Two geeks watch the Apple announcement S 23.11 Add Comment Chris Dunphy ( link ) and I were 2/3 of the competitive team when we worked together at Palm. We did a chat session this evening watching a...
Quick take on the Apple iPad: It's a PC, sort of S 11.57 Add Comment Appleipadtablet I need some time to think about it, but after listening to the feed of the announcement and chatting with my friend Chris Dunphy , my quick ...
Reckless speculation about the Apple tablet S 20.08 Add Comment Appleinfo padtablet One of the easiest ways to embarrass yourself online is by making predictions for the record about an unannounced product. You're layer...
Google shoots itself in the foot in mobile S 23.07 Add Comment androidChinagooglemotorolaSamsungsymbian I wish I knew the inside story on Google's recent confrontation with the Chinese government. At first Google's announcement looked ...