Brian Mitsoda Talks Vampire: Bloodlines & Newly Announced Dead State S 05.49 Add Comment interviewmassive lovetop 15 I first heard Brian Mitsoda's name attached to an interview he did with Rock Paper Shotgun back in 2009 (meaning I've just had to g...
Postal III Returns With a Video: There is a god S 13.56 Add Comment Postal 2 is one of the most underrated games of all time. Far too few saw through its puerile (though honest) window dressing to the technic...
And now for something completely different S 09.37 Add Comment cera I wanted to let you know that I'm working on a startup. It's focused on an area that I'm passionate about, information managemen...
My Games & MY Games: What I Did on Which Projects S 14.04 Add Comment DevelopmentDriverlost horizonpenumbrashameless promotion Wouldn't it be lovely if MobyGames had a feature for studio leads or staff themselves to add detail to their credits? If someone'...
Achievements: How Two Rights Still Make a Wrong S 04.41 Add Comment theory I was out in Angel on Wednesday for a regular games writers' knees up with lovely people like Rhianna Practhett, Andy Walsh and Jim Swa...
Free Games: The Smartest Satires on Kongregate S 09.23 Add Comment massive loveplay With the recent discussion around the news that Gamestop has acquired major independent web game portal Kongregate - and a bit of a dearth...
The Curfew: What It Means for Games S 12.44 Add Comment playreviewtheory So, the first episode of The Curfew - Channel 4's free, political micro-game, developed by LittleLoud and scripted by Kieron Gillen - i...
Vigilante Geek Justice S 04.46 Add Comment Developmentnon games Quick one this. Since I started tweeting (BTW, follow me , natch!) I've barely had time to read a thing on it - and I'm only followi...