A Descriptive Exercise & Plot Treatments S 13.33 Add Comment Developmentnon games Just a quick, silly one, this. A large part of my job revolves around improving my technical writing ability. Another around finding any exc...
Stories in the Most Unlikely Places No.1: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time S 18.24 Add Comment Unlikely places This is the first in a (potential) series of posts aimed at celebrating and championing games which don't just further the art of intera...
What is Samsung thinking? S 09.21 Add Comment HPipadtablet This is an interesting time for tablet computing fans, with the HP Slate ( link ) being announced today and a revised B&N Nook ( link ) ...
What's really wrong with BlackBerry (and what to do about it) S 15.11 Add Comment androidAppleblackberryRIMtablet Just a couple of weeks after Research in Motion turned in a good earnings report, the death watch over the company has resumed, with Busines...
GAMESbrief Guest Post: The Ship Dev, Outerlight, Dead in the Water S 09.18 Add Comment industrymassive love The guys who made Agatha Christie simulators The Ship and upcoming Bloody Good Time (a game I was actually excited about ) have all but gone...
Flash Fiction for Interactive Types: An Open Challenge S 08.00 Add Comment Developmentplay I love flash fiction , both as a writer and a reader. Trending at around 100 - 1000 words, it exists in a sweet spot between the short story...