Southbank Uni Story Design: The Best Bits of Theory S 04.49 Add Comment Developmentmassive lovetheory So, my first semester teaching interactive story design on the Game Cultures BA has come to a close. It's been a fun experience, and it...
RIM's Q3 Financials: A Tale of Two BlackBerries S 18.54 Add Comment blackberryRIMtablet People have been asking for my take on RIM's latest quarterly earnings, which were reported last week ( link ). The short answer is tha...
Stories in Unlikely Places No.2: Tribes: Vengeance S 19.18 Add Comment Unlikely places Tribes: Vengeance is one of the most subtly subversive multiplayer games ever made. Not a lot of people know that. This is the second in a s...
The Theory Behind In-Game Failure S 13.20 Add Comment theory As a topic for theory, failure states aren't new. If you're providing the player a challenge, the traditional way to handle his fail...
Environmental Narrative Panel: Vid, Write Up & a Note on Subliminal Signposting S 06.12 Add Comment appearencetheory Last week's panel discussion on environmental narrative went well. We had a full house (though didn't stretch to standing room onl...