ir/rational Upgrade: Call For Artists S 02.52 Add Comment Developmentir/rational Last year I released my indie-sentence-logic-philosophical-dark-comic-text-adventure, ir/rational . It was picked up by some nice people an...
Cargo: A Quest For Gravity is Out Now! S 02.34 Add Comment Developmentshameless promotion In typically unceremonious (not to mention entirely unmarketed) fashion, Ice Pick Lodge have finally released their latest title, Cargo: A Q...
Goodbye, IBM. Seriously. S 01.29 Add Comment Apple For those of us who worked at Apple in earlier days, the company's current success is sometimes surreal. I had one of those moments tod...
Quick Takes: The RIM Tragedy, Lame Market Research, Ebooks Closer to Tipping, Flip vs. Cisco, Google as Microsoft, Nokia and the Word "Primary" S 12.16 Add Comment blackberryebookgooglemicrosoftnokiaRIM Short thoughts on recent tech news... RIM as Greek tragedy I wrote last fall that I was worried about RIM's financial stability ( link )...
GLaDOS is Here S 03.16 Add Comment massive love ***UPDATE*** My impressions of Portal 2 so far (no spoilers). The first five minutes are very promising indeed. The 'art appreciation...
Why Game Endings Suck S 09.40 Add Comment theory An oldy but a goody. The reasons game endings suck (for the most part, naturally) has been documented before, but I wanted to think about it...
trying to save energy : trying to make sense of the results S 23.39 Add Comment energy savinggadgetsgreenhoneywellHouseholdimeasurethermostat So in my previous blog I outlined how it's easy to log your consumption, how to convert everything to the same units (KwH) and a site - ...
Is Art a Modern Religion? S 06.59 Add Comment non gamesphilosophy This is another one of those 'WTF does that have to do with games?' posts. It's about questioning the value of art. You can find...
The Real Lesson of Cisco's Billion-Dollar Flip Debacle S 13.13 Add Comment Cisco announced that it's closing down the Flip camera business and revisiting its other consumer products. With a purchase cost for Pu...
How to be a Good Freelancer S 05.21 Add Comment adviceindustry This post originally went up at GAMESbrief to promote their new freelancer database. Sorry for the header. In promotion of his new freelanc...
Trying to save energy: measure first S 23.49 Add Comment Electricityenergy savinggreenHouseholdlow energy lighting A common theme across this blog is reducing my household energy consumption. You will see this in my threads on lighting, computers, gadget...
Ice Pick Lodge Snaps S 07.20 Add Comment Developmentshameless promotion A while ago I documented my haphazard time over in Moscow with Ice Pick Lodge. I've since provided them a script polish, and Cargo - as...
The Five Most Colossal Tech Industry Failures You've Never Heard Of S 00.08 Add Comment AppleApril 1 The tech industry is famous for forgetting its own history. We're so focused on what's next that we often forget what came before. ...