Cleaning vinyl records - update S 00.39 Add Comment Audiobelt drivedeckHiFiMusicsalvageturntablevinyl records Well my interest in collecting vinyl records has continued , I enjoy nothing more than sorting through crates of LP's in Junk shops, cha...
The Adventurers Pyramid of Horus board game review S 07.42 Add Comment Way back in 2013 my wife discovered something at GameALot, a game called The Adventurers: Pyramid of Horus. This game brings up all the old ...
Pretty Please Write for Me? S 04.24 Add Comment Announcements source I posted the above picture on Twitter, and have since gotten a few offers of posts from fantastic people. I even got a draft of a som...
Circulating Ideas Interview S 04.47 Add Comment AcademicAdministrationHosted Elsewhere I recently spoke with Steve Thomas for his fab podcast, Circulating Ideas . Steve has been kind enough to write for LtaYL twice in the pas...
Letter to the Liaison Librarian, by Rebecca Carlson S 04.09 Add Comment AcademiaCommunication SkillsCommunityGuestLiaisons Source Communicating the value of the library to university administration, communicating library resources and services to faculty, staff, ...
Lazy Sunday gaming was a bit of a flop S 09.15 Add Comment This room is feeling lonely without you! The wife and I had planned a lazy Sunday board gaming day for friends and family to hang out at ou...
Spilling the Milk and Other Metaphors for Messing Up, by Marti Fuerst S 04.37 Add Comment MistakesPublic Photo by Lisa Brewster , used under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license. At some point in your career, you�re going to screw up. You�re going to drop t...
Even For Academics, Selection Is Privilege S 04.52 Add Comment AcademicCall to ActionCollection DevelopmentDiversitypolitics I try to keep abreast of what is going on in other spheres of the library world besides my own, especially the awards like the American Libr...
Just for Fun: I'm a Believer S 04.58 Add Comment Just For FunMusic For a very long time, I let myself feel shame about my love of one particular music artist, but at some point in the last couple of years I ...
Revisiting Big Conferences S 04.43 Add Comment Conferences Jealous of other tweeters? Yes. Yes, I am. As I've been watching the Twitter back channel for the American Library Association Mid-Winte...