Lifting One Another Up S 16.43 Add Comment MentorsWork RelationshipsWorkplace Culture I was recently asked to describe my ideal job, and the first thing that came to mind was that I want to work somewhere that I can help suppo...
The Long and Winding Road to Librarianship, by Natalie DeJonghe S 04.48 Add Comment Career AdviceCareer OptionsSpecial Libraries source Once upon a time, in a land far away, I was a high school English teacher. At the ripe old age of 22 I was convinced I had my life pl...
Firefly The Board Game Review S 11.11 Add Comment I�m a pretty big geek. I know that�s not that big of a surprise, I write a blog where I review board games. One of the things I geek out abo...
Gender, Emotional Labor, and Anger: Some Unfocused Thoughts About Librarianship S 04.14 Add Comment EmotionsGenderLeadership I've tried to start this post a number of times, and it's kind of stumped me. I want to talk to you about the confluence of thinking...
A Faintly Amusing Aside on Schooling S 07.04 Add Comment non games The origins of my surname are in the French 'Joubert', which hundreds of years ago was anglicised to 'Jubert'. This makes my...
Worrying About My Post-PhD Life, by Abigail Phillips S 04.34 Add Comment AcademiaCareer GoalsPhDPublic source At the moment, I�m in the final months of working on my dissertation. This means writing and crying and writing (and if we�re being h...
Quick Update S 07.07 Add Comment Developmentinterviewshameless promotionSubnautica Here is what has been happening for the past couple months. Yesterday I did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. Last time I did one was three yea...
Building Bridges and Closing Gaps: Faculty/Library Communication S 04.11 Add Comment AcademiaAcademicCommunityRelationship Building source Earlier this month, I was on the agenda of a faculty chairs meeting (the library is considered academic affairs but not faculty at my...
Twilight Imperium Strategy tips S 10.03 Add Comment With every passing day I become increasingly obsessed with Twilight Imperium. I've been reading strategy guides and every tip I come acr...
Interview: Maura Smale S 04.05 Add Comment AcademicAdministrationInterview Post Maura's Cats. The catloaf on the left is Caramel. The upside down on the right is Gummy. Biographical Name? Maura Smale Current job? Chi...
Stretched Too Thin: Not a Real Post S 04.27 Add Comment Announcements I'm feeling stretched too thin lately. I took the positive step of telling someone who is heading up a project that I admire a lot that ...