Biographical Name? Derrick Jefferson Current job? Communication Librarian in Research, Teaching, and Learning. American University, Washingt...
Home › Archived For Oktober 2015

A Little Bit About the Importance of Peers
source Only a short post this week, but it's a bit of a do-over. Yes, I'm going to revisit a topic . But it's been on my mind ag...

Tales From the Borderlands: Worth Writing Home About?
Short version: buy it. Why? Because it is the funniest 3D game since Giants: Citizen Kabuto, and Telltale's most structurally ambitious ...

Letter to a Young Alt-Ac Librarian: Yes, We�re Out There!, by Laura Braunstein
source Note: While I had been working on a guest post to send Jessica for some time, I was inspired to respond to a recent post from Abigai...

Ode to My Guest Authors
Something weird happened to me recently, and I wanted to talk to you about it. But first, let me show you what I mean: Truly humbled by the ...

Master of Orion is coming back
Master of Orion is coming back! I am so excited. I know it�s a computer game not a board game, as this blog is intended to review. But I wan...

My (Library) Life with Invisible Disabilities, by Jessica Schomberg
My first job in libraries was as a page in a public library. Shortly after I started, a librarian tried to have me fired because I have diab...

Continuity or Revolution: Choose Your Own Adventure
A little while ago I saw this tweet: "How much of what seems real or reasonable to you is decided by a preference for continuity?"...

Edmonton Expo 2015
Another Edmonton Expo came and went. Of course the wife and I had to go. We love nerding it up. One day I will have a Lego room. This year ...

Just For Fun: Fire Bad, Tree Pretty
Here's the thing about being a fan of BtVS : it's a kind of equalizer. People who watched it when it was originally broadcast as wel...
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