Biographical Name? Carolyn Henley Ciesla Current job? Instructional Services Librarian and Associate Professor at a smallish (2,900 FTE) com...
Home › Archived For Januari 2016

Dressing for Interviews: An Extended Answer
I've been an on-again-off-again contributor to the " Further Questions " series on Hiring Librarians . The "off-again...

Interview Post: Baharak Yousefi
Biographical Name? Baharak Yousefi Current job? Head, Library Communications at Simon Fraser University How long have you been in the field?...

Emotional Labor & Mental Health in the Library
This post is part of LIS Mental Health Week 2016 , an event that is being organized by Cecily Walker and Kelly McElroy . Feel free to join ...

Public Services Skills and the Technical Services Librarian: A Post-MLS Primer, by Catherine Oliver
source I was a cataloger from the word go. Don�t get me wrong. I enjoyed my reference sources and services class, but I felt out of place. R...

On Being Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
source You know those moments when two separate ideas converge and become one, and that one idea feels so right that you're unsure how y...

Just for Fun: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
I've loved Star Wars as long as I can remember. Playing the soundtrack of A New Hope and acting out the scenes was a required activity ...

2016? Already?
Easing myself back into the swing of everything libr* in my life, my professional commitments and responsibilities both on and off my campus...
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