Interview Post: Netanel Ganin S 17.37 Add Comment AcademicCatalogingInterview Post Biographical Name? Netanel Ganin Current Job? I work at Brandeis University as a cataloger (Hebrew specialty). How long have you been in the...
Complaining Complainers in the Library S 17.35 Add Comment AdministrationComplaints I was asked recently about how I handle complaints in the library. This is an awkward thing to explain, because - like so much - there is n...
Digital Media Labs: Pros and Cons, by Amanda L. Goodman S 03.37 Add Comment Digital Media LabGuestPublic In June, the Digital Media Lab (DML) I spent a year putting together will be four years old. The planning stage took a lot out of me. My lib...
On Bias S 12.34 Add Comment AdministrationCall to ActionPrivilege source When I teach undergraduates (or anyone, really) about assessing websites for academic use, I start by asking them how they judge webs...
The Power to Name, by Jessica Schomberg S 04.12 Add Comment AcademicCatalogingFeminismGuestMetadata source Note: This post is related by a conference proposal I submitted to ACRLNY�s 2016 Symposium Money & Power . Catalogers establish ...
National Library Week Musings: Patron Agency S 12.41 Add Comment AgencyNational Library Week source Warning: this is another post where I'm doing the blog post version of throwing spaghetti at a wall to see if it sticks. I'v...
Just For Fun: "Let Life Be Like Music" S 04.17 Add Comment Just For FunMusic The title of this post comes from a short poem by Langston Hughes. That line fits so perfectly with this month's topic: songs I use for...
Telling the Story S 04.33 Add Comment OutreachStories A while ago, I want to say it may have even been months, someone asked me to write about how to use storytelling to convince people to chang...
Marrakesh S 06.37 Add Comment 4x4Atlas MountainsBerber peopledesertEssaouiraHolidayMarrakeshMedinaMoroccoMountainsNorth Africaoff-roadRiadTajineVacation Normally my posts have been focused on the subject of repairing or recycling, hence the blog being called mending things. I decided to chan...