of late I've noticed that the beater function often does not engage. The beater is the rotating bar of brushes that agitates the carpet. Most upright vacuum cleaners have this feature. on the Dyson it is enabled by rotating a large purple dial on the front left of the suction assembly. The idea is that you disable it for vacuming hard floors, but enable it for carpets. Even turning it forward did not always engage the beater/brush bar.
I decided to take the cleaner apart to see what might be the problem.
First I needed to remove the lower plate. This is held in place by 3 twist fastenings which can be undone with a coin. Once the plate is removed you can see the brush beater

You can see that the beater brush device gets en-wrapped with hair, string and anything that is long and thin.
I routinely run a sharp knife along the edge to cut through all the hair and string to easily remove it. You can see on the right that the rubber drive belt emerges through a plastic housing before passing around the beater.

here you can see the purple beater selector knob. It controls a clutch mechanism.

next I removed the beater bar by stretching the rubber band on levering the bar out. You can see the belt still in place.

e by two three-quarters circular fittings on either side.

I reversed the above steps to put the cleaner back together. The clutch seems to work again. If I slip the purple knob forward into the carpeted position the beater engages immediately. Before it would need further pressure and would not always start. I think the problem is due to belt wear, so inverting the two belts has fixed that. I'm not sure that these belts are easily replaceable without a completely new clutch assembly. There appears no way to extract them from the clutch unit.

the clutch assembly (pictured)
Follow up January 2012
Before Christmas I fixed up an old NAD 5120 turntable. The rubber mat had become scuffed and rather scruffy. On the suggestion of posts on the excellent vinylengine forum, I used AF Platenclene liquid to restore it. This substance is used to restore the grip on the rollers of laser printers and photocopiers. Not only does it clean the rubber , it also restores much of it's grip. The next time the Dyson clutch starts to slip, I'll give the belt a squirt with this and bit of a wipe. I have yet to try it, but I think it should help