Why it�s Hard to Set a Standard and Maximize Short-Term Profit S 10.35 Add Comment After my post yesterday on Kevin Lynch�s move to Apple ( link ), Infinity Softworks CEO Elia Freedman sent me a followup question: �This li...
Kevin Lynch and Adobe: Shooting the Messenger S 11.21 Add Comment There�s been some nasty commentary about Apple�s decision to hire Kevin Lynch from Adobe. John Gruber at Daring Fireball has been especiall...
I Will Be at PAX East & GDC S 13.01 Add Comment appearenceFTLir/rationalthe swapper You spend your whole career hoping your AAA bosses will send you to the big US shows, then a small indie game comes along and sends you to t...
Coming Soon: My Book on Business Strategy S 18.56 Add Comment I�m getting ready to publish my book on business strategy, Map the Future . It�s all about how a business should plan for the future, and ho...