Talos Principle Coming Soon (+ Games You Can Play Now) S 06.16 Add Comment Developmentmassive loveshameless promotionThe Talos Principle Okay, congratulations me for failing to write anything here for ages. The reason I will give for this is that I am somewhat Autistic-spectru...
How to Work With a Writer (Or a Guide to Why Your Writer is Sulking) S 07.21 Add Comment adviceindustry So the day's finally come. Your studio has been politely informed by the publisher that all successful games have a story written by a d...
The Real Meaning of the Fire Phone S 22.51 Add Comment People have been asking my opinion of the new Amazon Fire Phone, but I�ve had a lot of trouble answering. My first reaction was overwhelming...
My Dyson DC14 stopped working S 01.26 Add Comment DysonHouseholdrepairrubber sealsalvage Well a few weeks ago my Dyson DC14 stopped . The motor stopped working and there was a bit of a burning smell. I left it for a while, thinki...
Appearance: The E3 S 04.32 Add Comment appearenceDevelopment Hello all. I will be attending E3 next week, Mon-Fri. I'll be showing off the new projects I've been working on with Croteam and nDr...
What Happened to the Surface Mini? S 23.50 Add Comment Well, that was disappointing. Microsoft�s heavily-rumored mini-tablet ( link ) was a no-show at the Surface event this week. If this had bee...
Is Microsoft About to Announce an Info Pad? S 11.20 Add Comment The reports leaking out of Redmond are intriguing. Tomorrow (May 20, 2014) Microsoft will reportedly announce a �Surface Mini� tablet, a tou...
Are Management Sims a '90s Thing? S 06.15 Add Comment theory I had a hankering for a management game the other day, so I hit the Steam tags list and what do you know: there is no such thing as the mana...
The Uncomfortable Truth at the Heart of Mobile Gaming S 23.49 Add Comment I was at a developer conference earlier this year, and the discussion came around to a certain very popular pattern-matching game. I was sur...
It�s Time to Pay Attention to Facebook S 22.33 Add Comment Considering how big and successful Facebook is, it gets surprisingly little respect in Silicon Valley. Although everyone acknowledges the co...
The Tom Jubert Blog Bi-Annual Update Extravaganza... S 05.04 Add Comment Developmentshameless promotion ...or 'What I have been doing instead of writing this blog for the last couple of months'. So the main pull on my time has been the ...
Introducing iPierce S 00.45 Add Comment Confidential documents obtained from Apple indicate that, despite all the rumors, the company�s first entry into wearable computing will not...
NAD 5120 or Tesla NC470 S 02.01 Add Comment 5120AC motorAudiobearingbelt drivedeckHiFiLPMusicNADNC470Teslaturntablevibrationvinyl records Introduction I got back into vinyl records via my son, who started to collect LPs and i decided he should get a turntable as a surprise Chr...