Why Zombies as a Genre Are Here to Stay S 08.09 Add Comment industrytheory I heart zombies. Not just in a geeky, B-movie kind of a way (though props to Zombi 2 ), and not just from the perspective of a horror video ...
4 More Free Web-games... S 09.29 Add Comment play ...because free web-games generate hits. And also because, just like commercial release, or XBLA, or the AppStore, there's a shit load o...
Why Free is the Future: 5 Must Play Free Games S 10.52 Add Comment massive loveplay I was giving an interview to a journo from Moviescope magazine today, for a piece he was putting together on the interplay between interact...
Is Symbian dead? And if so, who killed it? S 21.22 Add Comment androidiphonenokiaOSsymbian "We should declare victory and go home." --Apocryphal quote attributed to George David Aiken I hesitate to write anything abou...
London Writing Panel Appearence: Interactive Story Telling for an Interactive Medium S 06.25 Add Comment appearenceindustryshameless promotiontheory The IGDA has just announced a new games writing panel that's going to be held in London the week after next. It's going to star some...
Die2Nite: Free Keys for the New Web-Based Zombie MMO S 11.45 Add Comment play I was contacted a little while after posting that fascinating interview with Zombie / RPG hero, Brian Mitsoda, by someone else with a Zombi...
Will E-Readers Eat the Tablet Computer? S 18.13 Add Comment ebookkindletablet The consensus prediction in the tech industry is that tablet computer sales will swamp sales of ebook readers. The Huffington Post is takin...