Has Microsoft Gone Nuts? S 22.08 Add Comment The rumors floating out of Microsoft these days are remarkable: �Microsoft�s Nokia business is working on an Android phone, and Microsoft mi...
Reducing the energy consumption of Sky+ HD recorder and Samsung LED TV S 09.51 Add Comment currentcostElectricityelectricity monitorelectricty monitorenergy savinggadgetsgreenhard driveHouseholdLEDTVSamsungSky+ Common themes across most of my posts are energy conservation , its monitoring and technology. This post sort of combines all three in one. ...
Appearence: Annual London Games Writing Talk S 06.47 Add Comment Here's the blurb: Interactive writing is not screenwriting. From character creation to plotting, format to structure, from root to inter...
Announcement: FTL: Advanced Edition S 16.23 Add Comment DevelopmentFTL So FTL Advanced Edition is now a thing. It's nice that it is now a thing, because it means I can explain why FTL didn't really stop...
The Chris Avellone Interview S 09.54 Add Comment interview I don't know what I could possible write here about Chris Avellone that isn't already implicit throughout the writings on this blog...
Microsoft + Nokia: Now We�re All Like Apple S 23.50 Add Comment Ten years ago, everybody in the tech industry � and I mean everybody � was convinced that the best way to dominate a technology market was t...
Worth Writing Home About: Payday 2 Beta S 17.33 Add Comment worth writing home about So it's a little known fact about me that I am a complete sucker for online shooters. Not your Quakes or your Counter-Strikes, mind you ...
Restoring a Pioneer PL-12D Turntable S 11.17 Add Comment AC motorAudiobearingdeckfreecycleHiFiLPMusicPioneer PL-12DplatterrecyclingrepairsalvageShure M75speakersturntablevinyl records I got back into vinyl records about 18 months ago, and have collected a few hundred albums, mostly second hand. I have a number of turntabl...