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Appearence: Annual London Games Writing Talk

Appearence: Annual London Games Writing Talk

Here's the blurb:
Interactive writing is not screenwriting. From character creation to plotting, format to structure, from root to interactive branch the process of creating a story and delivering the script has evolved from the skills needed to deliver linear on-screen experiences. 
In the annual London South Bank University, Writers� Guild of Great Britain and IGDA talk, a group of experienced games writers Ed �Brink� Stern�, Tom �FTL� Jubert, James �Deus Ex� Swallow and Andrew �Fable:Legends� Walsh will examine a variety of techniques used in videogames writing and explore how they have used them in their own projects. 
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4 at 7 pm 
Location: Keyworth Centre, London South Bank University 
As always, we�ll head to the pub for a few Christmas drinks after the talk!
That picture up there I believe is from the very first of these talks that we did - back when all my hair was on my head rather than my face.  Rest assured I am considerably better-kempt now.

I'm not 100% on what I'm talking about yet - suggestions / requests welcomed - but it might be something about FTL and slavery, or the different requirements of different text delivery mechanics. We'll see. Oddly enough, stretch back 5 years and I was full of things I thought needed to be said, and not enough opportunities to say them. The older I get the more doubtful I am that I have much new to add to the mix, and the more people seem to expect me to say clever things to rooms full of people.

Full blurb here. Facebook sign up here. Tickets free!

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