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Legendary Encounters: Alien- Strategy and Tips for movie scenarios- Part four: Alien Resurrection Movie Scenario

Legendary Encounters: Alien- Strategy and Tips for movie scenarios- Part four: Alien Resurrection Movie Scenario

This week I will be covering the final movie scenario in the game Legendary Encounters: Alien.

I find that this final scenario is the hardest in the game. It will take focus, memory, and a tonne of cooperation and teamwork to have even a chance at beating it. You will probably hate this scenario as much as you hated the movie. There is a very specific combo of avatars I feel best suited for beating this scenario: Player one Scout, Player 2 Synthetic, Player 3 Mercenary, Player 4 Medic. There are no leadership cards so there will be nothing to work with either the Commander or the Executive. Take the Synthetic over either of these avatars.
Be a better team than these morons were.
For the high value cards the "Monster's Mother" is the card to get. The massive damage potential makes this the best card in the game. If you can, try to couple it with the "Grown in the lab" cards, cloning it's power for obscene damage levels. Or combine it with "Thermos gun" for a massive damage wave. "Thermos gun" slides to second favorite card because it's ability doesn't always do much, unless there are enough revealed enemies. But it can really save you when things are going bad. Get it into the hand of the player with the highest damage potential. While "Interface with FA-TH-UR" seems like an ideal card for the scout, this player will actually have a good array of cards that do the exact same thing. In fact the Scout may find they have more scanning ability than there are rooms to scan. Its best to get this into another players hands and spread out that scanning action. Gun for hire is an okay card for the high value. The high damage is mostly what you are going for. The ability to trigger a mobilize ability is nice but won't always be available as it relies on the HQ contents. If you have an option of any other high value card buy the other one first. Having said that I would still get this above any combo of lesser value cards.
A face only a mother could love... or blow out a tiny hole into space

Scout Player: This should be the player with the best memory. Buy all of the "I can smell it" cards as you can. Think of these cards as giving you the ability to pre-scan cards in the complex. Using this card you can figure out where hazard and event cards are without revealing them. You can warn the team and avoid revealing any cards until you are best prepared to handle their consequences. Couple these cards with the "secret mission" cards and you can efficiently scan the complex while keeping danger to a minimum. Trust me this is very important.

Synthetic: You will be taking on a role much like the leader in other scenarios. Buy as many "Play the angles" cards as you can. Use these to add cards to the hand of the player with the best chance of card combos. The only way to keep this class effective is to make sure the weapons locker is clear. The "incinerator flamer" will do significant damage and coupling it with the "thermos gun" can do huge damage. Position yourself after the Scout Player to have enemies already revealed when you deploy this combo. For purchase power cards either buy sergeants or "Sleep when you die" cards. BUT The Kawlang maneuver cards are great, if you can afford them. This is partly for the extra damage, however it's more for acquiring the other cards you need for free.

The players in this scenario
Medic: By far this is the most strike heavy scenario in the game. As a medic you will be very busy trying to keep strikes healed. Get the healing power of "Full of surprises," as much as you can. Use it's purchase power to load up on "Grown in a lab" which works as a clone of a card you've already played. It becomes super powerful when you can finally afford "The Monsters Mother" because that combo stacks you with huge damage potential. Grab "new and improved" only if you can't get any other survival card.

Mercenary: Most of the strength cards have a Mobilize ability that triggers as soon as you purchase them. I feel the best cards for you are the three "I mostly just hurt people" which let you kill cards in a players discard pile. This helps with purging the starter cards, strengthening your teams decks by making combos appear more often. They also have 3 attack making them decent for your role. The "concealed pistol" cards are your early priority as they will help you afford the other cards you need. The "sleep when you die" cards should be bought by other players to co-ordinate with you.

5th player: I don't recommend having a 5th player as 4 is the ideal number for the scenario. However if you do insist on a 5th use the Commander. Focus on the co-ordinate cards and work at being as helpful to the team that way. His special will allow him to have a large amount of sergeant and other coordinate cards. Placing him between the medic and the mercenary is a great idea. Getting this player the "Interface with FA-TH-UR" card will help keep rooms scanned more. He can also work as the expendable target of the events and hazard cards.

In the first objective, "breakout," you are tasked with killing the three Xenomorph clones. Since they have a strength of 10 you will not be able to kill them with your starter attack cards. Use all of your attack for scanning, and do so before purchasing cards. You need "containment cell" cards to come up, which cost 3 purchase power, to kill the clones. The Event cards cause the clones to move to the complex so you will be drawing strikes early on. The first event card is gained by a player who then receives a strike each time it comes up through their deck, then it goes back into a selected players discard pile... to come up again. Make sure to get the "I mostly just hurt people" card as soon as possible and use it's ability to kill the event card. Get your medic stocked with "Full of surprises" cards to start healing strikes or you will be facing early player deaths.

In the second objective "You're a thing, a construct" remember to draw 3 characters from the barracks for the "failed clones." Hope for cheaper cards because you will be killing these in order to move ahead. Event cards cause strikes from each failed clone still in the combat zone, so you want to start killing them ASAP. The second hazard card causes more hive cards to be added to the complex. Using the "I can smell it" card ability you can put this off until the synthetic can show his avatar special card, which has all 5 class icons on it, completely negating the effect. For the flooded rooms cards, make sure to clear them ASAP, since the xenomorph swimmers jump directly in to the combat zone from flooded rooms. But more-so because xenomorphs in these rooms cannot be attacked.

Because what's a spaceship without a waterpark?
For the final objective, "She'll breed, you'll die" you will have so much going on. This is the most complicated and difficult objective in the box. You have to kill both the Queen and the Newborn. While you can use the Newborn to kill other Xenomorphs in the combat zone it is by no means a good idea to rely on this. The only player who is really gaining Ripley cards (which are needed to trigger the effect) is the Medic. Kill the Newborn ASAP. This objective is made more deadly by Xenomorph spitters causing strikes as soon as they are revealed. Cloned facehuggers with 5 health (as opposed to 3 for regular ones) are going to keep players scared. Make sure the next player has that 5 attack power to save you before potentially revealing a facehugger. The Larry Purvis card is great with 3 attack. Anyone who has low attack value can gain him. By all means sacrifice him when Dr. Wren shows up, but don't wait for this card combo to kill Dr. Wren because he prevents you from being able to win the game. Event cards from this objective kill a card in the HQ then fill that place. This limits how many cards are available for purchase. Depending on how many event cards are left this can completely block the HQ store at some point so beware. The hazard card is the biggest threat. It causes purchase power cards to be killed. While you may think this shouldn't matter, you will have gained many cards by this point, the problem is most of the purchase cards are the ones with the abilities you need; Like healing strikes and free scanning rooms. If you can, make sure you use the scout to keep the hazard from being revealed.

Until next time I hope my advice helps you to have a slam dunk on this scenario.
Why the fuck was this in the movie?