Below you can find the blog activity for the last 10-25 posts for every blog that has posted. This is a lot of posts - the GURPS blogging community has picked up rather a lot of steam recently, a phenomenon I hope that GURPSDay has helped with to a small degree.
I can only offer this exhortation: back the Kickstarter. Blog more. Create more. Refine your writing technique and participate in the community-driven submission process that is writing for SJG. They're a tough crowd, and their standards are high. But if you can write for them, you can probably write for anyone.
Even yourself.
As always, if you're interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line.
Save vs. Hollowing (Anton L.)- GURPS Melee Damage pt. 3.5 (7/20/16)
- GURPS Melee Damage pt. 3 (7/13/16)
- GURPS Melee Damage pt. 2.5 (7/01/16)
- GURPS Melee Damage pt. 2 (6/26/16)
- �Max 20� Draft for GURPS (6/17/16)
- Status Update (6/13/16)
- GURPS Melee Damage (6/08/16)
- 50-point One-Shot Kill Attack in GURPS (6/01/16)
- Me and GURPS (5/31/16)
- Stats for Darkest Nights Imps (5/09/16)
The Gaming Musings of a Mad GM (Ken DeLyzer)- GrimWyrd, Session 1: Introductions (5/20/16)
- GrimWyrd:A dark fantasy (5/18/16)
- An Introduction (5/02/13)
Rindis.com (Rindis)- Deadly Protection (8/28/16)
- Thoroughly Social (8/20/16)
- Dungeon Sorcery Part 1 (8/01/16)
- Elemental Channeling (7/12/16) - The outline of a new magic elemental threshold syntactic magic system.
- Full-Spectrum Powers (7/08/16)
- The Magic of Points (6/23/16)
- Studying Magic (6/11/16)
- Holy Powers (7/08/15)
- The Advanced Set (1/05/14)
- The Best of Books, The Worst of Books (9/18/10)
Ravens N' Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)- GURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Sensory Power-Ups (9/29/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: The Ecology of Giant Spiders in Dungeon Fantasy, Part II (9/29/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: The Ecology of Giant Spiders in Dungeon Fantasy, Part I (9/28/16)
- GURPS101: A Whole New World (of Dungeon Fantasy) (9/27/16)
- Carpe Blogiem: Thoughts on the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter (9/26/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Forging in the Dungeon, Part II (9/25/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Forging in the Dungeon, Part I (9/23/16)
- GURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Sharpshooter Power-Ups (9/22/16)
- Aeon A-Team S01E03 - We Are Everywhere (9/21/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Mana Bucklers for Dungeon Fantasy (9/20/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasising III (9/19/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Iron Rations - A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part II (9/17/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Iron Rations - A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part I (9/16/16)
- Boil and Bubble: Incantation Magic - Mirage Maimer (9/15/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: Beyond the Hack n' Slash (9/14/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Fusion-Powered Chainsaw (9/13/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasising IV (9/12/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasising II (9/12/16)
- Boil and Bubble: Incantation Magic - Rainbow Spray (9/12/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: What Makes Dungeon Fantasy Special, Part II (9/11/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: What Makes Dungeon Fantasy Special, Part I (9/09/16)
- Carpe Blogiem: It's not you Dungeon Fantasy, It's Me (9/07/16)
- Aeon A-Team S01E02 - And We Are Watching (9/06/16)
- The Hurt Locker: Dungeon Fantasy Duelists (9/05/16)
- Gamemaster's Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasising (9/05/16)
Cursed -75 Points (BowToChris)- unknought: I�m starting to learn a bit about economics, and some of what I�m finding is kind of... (9/14/16)
- Mechanics: How to Build a Resistance Group (9/14/16)
- Session 1: House Special (8/18/16)
- therealshandor: PSI Force begins! We are psychic investigators... (8/14/16)
- Project VERITAS (8/14/16)
- Let's GURPS: Review: GURPS Powers (7/03/16)
- Combat Reflexes (5/27/16)
- Dr. Edmond Swift: The Eight of Cups (5/23/16)
- Empathy (4/30/16)
- canwefixitnoitsfucked: GPOY (4/20/16)
- Afflictions (4/05/16)
- Afflictions (4/03/16)
- Jerico Epirus (4/02/16)
- Duchess Meriel Venmarch (3/30/16)
- Sahara (3/25/16)
- The Jester (3/22/16)
- Modular Abilities (3/21/16)
- Skills For Some (3/21/16)
- rpgs-are-neat: weareadventurers: Tarek Al-Amir, the Paladin I... (3/21/16)
- GURPS Iconics TODO (3/20/16)
Dice and Lives (Joel Sammallahti)- Fight Analysis: Fellowship of the Ring (9/21/16)
- Fight Analysis: Conan the Barbarian (9/10/16)
- Sleepless Nights, Session 1: The Rite of the Wolf (9/09/16) - A prehistoric prologue session, with witchraft, violence, an arrowhead with a forbidden sign, a monster in a cave, and future shock at TL 0.
- Sleepless Nights: Magic House Rules (2 of 2) (8/27/16) - More additions to the standard magic system: magic circles, decanic sigils, and using Thaumatology to add temporary enhancements to spells. Plus applications for Alchemy, Autohypnosis, and more!
- Sleepless Nights: Magic House Rules (1 of 2) (8/26/16) - Additions to the standard magic system: Temporal mana variations rather than spatial ones, reasons to spend more than 1 point on spells, and Ritual Magic as a versatile supporting skill for spells.
- Sleepless Nights: Vampire Killing Martial Arts Style (8/18/16) - A martial art style for killing vampires. Includes two new techniques, one of them banned - banned by Kromm! For Sleepless Nights.
- Gonzostan: Initial Plans (8/17/16)
- Alternative Alchemy for Gurps (Part 2 of 2) (8/16/16) - A homebrew subsystem for Gurps: what you need to know to play an alchemist.
- Alternative Alchemy for Gurps (Part 1 of 2) (8/15/16) - A homebrew subsystem for Gurps: turning advantages into alchemical concoctions.
- How I Play: Dice and the Game Master (8/06/16) - Some thoughts on why I'm against GMs fudging dice rolls.
Code by Clockwork (Jeff Demers)- GURPS Calculator: GCA Import Functionality Development Starting! (9/04/16)
- GURPS Calculator New Server! (8/21/16)
- Gencon - Meeting Steve Jackson (8/04/16)
- GURPS Calculator Future Plans (7/10/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.3.2: Character Sharing (6/30/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.3.2 Character Sharing Update and Developer Help Needed (6/14/16)
- GURPS: Ascension Campaign Living World Document (Power Templates, Kits, Races, etc) (6/07/16)
- GURPS Calculator: 2.3.1 Released! (6/02/16)
- GURPS Calculator - Enhancements, Character Sharing, and GCA Importing (5/24/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.3 has been released! GCS Importing for all! (5/12/16)
- GURPS Calculator - GCS Importing launch on May 12th! (5/04/16)
- GURPS Calculator WIP 2.3 and Alpha Testing (4/07/16)
- GURPS Calculator - Character Screens and GCS Importing Continues (3/10/16)
- GURPS Calculator - Character Screens and GCS Importing (2.3 Work in Progress Update) (3/02/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.2 release (2/11/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.2 Work In Progress Update (2/04/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.1.1 Released (1/28/16)
- GURPS Calculator 2.2.4 Released (Old Android App) (7/22/13)
Set Adrift on 3D6 (Conner)- No one is an atheist in the dungeon� (6/07/16)
- These are the people in your neighborhood 2: Electric Hullabaloo (6/02/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Interlude � Rude, Crude, and maybe a third thing, but probably not: A barbarians guide to arms & armor! (6/01/16)
- Who says murder hobos cant be pretty? (5/27/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Interlude: Is that a wand your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? (5/25/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Interlude: One bourbon, one scotch, & one beer. And for my 2nd course, I�ll have� (5/18/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy S01E04: Apprenticing, for fun and profit! (5/17/16)
- And now for something completely different! (5/12/16)
- These are the people in your neighborhood (5/08/16)
- All that glitters is not gold.. Sometimes it�s a mixture of gold and silver! (5/06/16)
Shooting Dice (Hans-Christian Vortisch)- Shopping Spree: Peter von Frantzius (1927) (8/23/16)
- Tactical Shooting: Predator (8/16/16)
- High-Tech: The Mummy (8/02/16)
- Tactical Shooting: Breaking Bad (7/26/16)
- Gun Fu: Last Man Standing (6/30/16)
- Book Review: The Cthulhu Wars (6/19/16)
- High-Tech: Auto-Ordnance M1928A1 Thompson (6/15/16)
- Tactical Shooting: The Sopranos (6/02/16)
- Tactical Shooting: Justified (5/24/16)
- Gangster Gats: Cleaver Gang (5/17/16)
Chain Link and Concrete (M. Eversberg II)- Generic Ballistic Vests - US NIJ Ratings Converted to GURPS DR (9/03/16)
- GURPS Tiberian Dawn: Campaign Concepts (8/28/16)
- The Brotherhood of Nod's Militants (Tiberian Dawn Era, c.1999) (8/23/16)
- GURPSHammer: Wrap-Up and More Things (8/15/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 7 (8/07/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 6 (8/06/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 5 (8/05/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 4 (8/04/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 3 (8/03/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 2 (8/02/16)
- GURPSHammer: Vagir's Campaign Session 1 (8/01/16)
- GURPSHammer 0: Campaign Basis and Concepts (7/31/16)
- Thinking on Dungeon Fantasy Games (7/29/16)
- The Visceroid (7/21/16)
- Pool-cue Spear Technique (Shoot the point!) (7/20/16)
- The ArmaLite AR-10 Rifle (7/18/16)
- The M-1952A and M69 Fragmentation Protective Body Armors (7/15/16)
- The Vest, Armored, M-1951, M-1952, and M-1955 (7/14/16)
- Multiple Attacks and Retreating Opponents (6/23/16)
- Overwhelming Active Defenses with Multiple Attacks (6/22/16)
- The GAU-3 "Eliminator" Assault Rifle (6/17/16)
- Technique: Airbursting Hand Grenades (6/09/16)
- Playing with Fragmentation Grenade Variables (6/08/16)
- The M26A2 / M57 Fragmentation Grenade (and the M26A1 / M61) (6/07/16)
- When in doubt, FRAG OUT! (Throwing and Resolving Damage on Fragmentation Grenades in GURPS) (6/06/16)
RPG Snob (Jason Packer)- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy - Bringing the Hack and the Slash (9/03/16)
- GURPS: Perception (8/12/16)
- Leaving It Up To Chance - On Fudging the Dice (8/11/16)
- RPG Litmus Tests (7/04/13)
- Thoughts on GURPS and Skill Levels (5/14/13)
- GURPS Melee Academy : Circling like Sharks (5/09/13)
- Shieldless - the merits of Two-Handed Weapons (4/11/13)
- Magic in the world of Krail's Folly (4/07/13)
- Decoupling Attributes in GURPS (4/05/13)
- Lessons learned in Ludus Batiatus (4/02/13)
- GURPS Pact Magic - another alternative system (3/29/13)
- Alternative magic for the Dungeon Fantasy faithful (3/27/13)
- The Ugly Disadvantages (3/26/13)
- Ritual Path Magic for Fantasy Gaming (3/24/13)
- Filling a Fantasy World (3/22/13)
- Dungeon of Graves AP report: Marat meets new friends (3/19/13)
- Campaign Notes: Updating Traveller for GURPS 4E (3/18/13)
- Update re:House Rules (3/18/13)
- Road Testing "The Last Gasp" for GURPS (3/16/13)
- House Rules and Me (3/12/13)
- I've always had a thing for the underpowered, mish-mash characters (2/21/13)
- (2/09/13)
Orbital Vagaries (Christian Blouin)- IW 10 - Orbital decay (8/12/16)
- IW 9 - Diffuse danger (7/30/16)
- IW 8 - Sake at Gonpachi (7/16/16)
- IW 7 - Big in Japan (7/02/16)
- IW 6 - Human trafficking (6/18/16)
- IW 5 - Blue Jungle (5/20/16)
- IW 4 - Hunters (5/07/16)
- IW 3 - Two thousand miles per second (4/09/16)
- IW 2 - King Saud's ice paradise (3/25/16)
- What I changed as a GM in the last few campaigns (3/21/16)
- IW1 - Advertising faux-pas (3/12/16)
- Finance 101 for free traders (3/10/16)
- IW0 - Inception (2/26/16)
PK's Game Recaps and Tidbits (PK Levine)- After the End: Week 19 (8/25/16) - The wastelanders are attacked in the night by a strange robot who seems truly sentient. Is this the first actual AI? The uploaded brain pattern of a scientist? Or something else?
- After the End: Week 18 (8/16/16) - The team learns (the hard way!) that the hidden underground corridor is protected by nanoburn-armed drones. But quick thinking, fast reflexes, and a bit of technical know-how keep them alive -- for now.
- Madness Dossier: Week 19 (7/31/16) - With help from out of town, the remaining agents track down and rescue their kidnapped teammates, but their surprisingly well-trained foes manage to escape.
- After the End: Week 17 (7/05/16) - The group discovers an underground bunker and tries to figure a way to get in without having to fight robot drones. Meanwhile, Randy embarks on a quest to get their mutant teddy stoned, and Twitch gets harassed by a pack of feral dogs.
- After the End: Week 16 (6/21/16) - The wastelanders head into the "chaos fog" forest, alert for exploding fruit and other nano-based weirdness.
- Madness Dossier: Week 18 (6/13/16)
- Madness Dossier: Weeks 16-17 (6/10/16)
- After the End: The First 15 (?) Weeks (6/10/16)
- After the End: Adventuring Through the Wastes (6/10/16)
- After the End -- Mutated Hulk Bruiser (4/18/16)
- Post-Apoc Options for our After the End game (6/01/15)
Shane Plays (Shane Stacks)- How To Create A GURPS Character (6/07/16)
- GURPS! � Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 40 (3/09/16)
RPG Jutsu (Merlin Avery)- Dungeon Fantasy � Powered by GURPS (9/02/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy � Why I think it�s D20 for GURPS! (5/26/16)
- Combo � The Killer Instinct in Advantages (5/20/16)
- Dark Fantasy � The Horrific End to Heroes (2/15/16)
- Computers � The Digital World Primer (2/10/16)
- GURPS � Vampire the Masquerade (2/08/16)
- Death � How to Deal With Immortal PCs (2/04/16)
- Future Jutsu � Coming Soon to a Site Near You (2/04/16)
- Cinematic Reality � Armor of the Big Screen (2/03/16)
- Rules Lawyer � GMs are Self Destructive (2/02/16)
Don't Forget Your Boots (Mitch French)- Duppies (9/24/16)
- Rituals for Pirates: Gunplay (9/09/16)
- Pirates! Session #1 (9/03/16)
- Pieces of Eight! Pieces of Eight! (9/03/16)
- Playing With Dolls (8/31/16)
- Cast and Crew (8/31/16)
- Rituals for Pirates. Also, grenades. (8/26/16)
- Rituals For Pirates: �Keep Your Powder Dry� (8/23/16)
- Not Every Pirate Can Sing A Shanty (7/29/16)
- Link to back up the word-of-mouth (7/28/16)
Fragments of the Last War (Bryan Timms)- Its Hour Come Round at Last 7 (9/15/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 6 (7/18/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 5 (7/01/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 4 (6/13/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last - Doctor Thomas McKinley (6/06/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last - Trahaearn Taliesin (Tali) (6/06/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last - Harris Benjamin (6/03/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last - Reginald Smythe III (6/03/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 3 (6/01/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 2 (5/20/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 1 (4/27/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last - Patronage and Espionage Agencies (4/12/16)
- Its Hour Come Round at Last 0 (4/11/16)
- Fragments of the Last War 24 (3/02/16)
- Fragments of the Last War 23 - A Game for Knights, part 4 (2/15/16)
- Fragments of the Last War 22 - A Game for Knights, part 3 (1/27/16)
- Fragments of the Last War 21 - A Game for Knights, part 2 (1/08/16)
- Fragments of the Last War 20 - A Game for Knights, part 1 (12/25/15)
- Fragments of the Last War 19 (11/12/15)
- Fragments: Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Fate (9/18/14)
- Issues, Places, Faces (8/11/14)
Game Geekery ("Warren ""Mook"" Wilson")- Quiz: 30 Years of GURPS (9/28/16) - This week, enjoy a special 30-question quiz to celebrate the 30th anniversary of GURPS this year! How well do you really know the game we all love? Leave those books and PDFs closed and try your hand at guessing... I mean, knowing more than your fellow GURPS fans!
- Scattershot � September 2016 (9/22/16) - In this week's post, I ask for more reader questions for the next audio 'cast; plug the uber-cool Dungeon Fantasy RPG Kickstarter; point out a couple of places to chat about GURPS in real time; and share some useful GURPS resources I found in my travels this week. Enjoy!
- Hell on Wheels, Post-Con Wrap Up (9/15/16) - In the final look at the "Hell on Wheels" convention game, I talk about how the game played out at the table with three different groups and post all of the game notes and characters for download. Also, shout-outs to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Kickstarter and the upcoming hardcopy version of "How to Be a GURPS GM"!
- Two Important GMing Lessons (9/07/16) - Two things I (re)learned GMing at last weekend's convention - The Players Want To Have Fun, and Let Her Be A Werewolf!
- Dungeon Fantasy RPG Kickstarter! (9/01/16) - A new Powered by GURPS Kickstarter?! OMG YES!!!
- [Audio] Answering Reader Questions 01 (8/25/16) - Hopefully, today will see the upload of the first ever Game Geekery podcast, in which I answer a few questions posed by readers of the blog.
- More Thoughts on Hell on Wheels (8/18/16) - My next convention game, Hell on Wheels, is slowly shaping up! I also offer some thoughts on balancing characters by spotlight time instead of by point totals.
- Hell on Wheels (for Gateway 2016) (8/12/16) - After falling asleep and missing yesterday's GURPSDay deadline, today I look at my brainstorming process for deciding on a new game to run at the Gateway 2016 convention in a few weeks.
- PCs as Ship Crew, Part Two (8/04/16) - A follow up to the recently popular post on establishing your game so that the PCs are the crew of a ship, whether on sea, across the aether, or in space.
- GM Convention Tips, The Sequel (7/28/16) - Since I run a lot of convention games, and a lot of people ask about convention games... seems like a topic worth covering! Here are general thoughts on running demos, one-shots, and convention games.
Southern Style GURPS (Chris Bower)- Magnificent Samurai - Session 9 (9/28/16)
- The House of Conti - Session 3 (9/19/16)
- Magnificent Samurai - Session 8 (9/13/16)
- New Spell: Fire Darts (9/09/16)
- The House of Conti - Session 1 and 2 (9/07/16)
- Magnificent Samurai Session 7 (8/30/16) - The party defeats a character's sworn foe in a tough battle.
- Thoughts on Adapting Published Magical Styles (8/19/16)
- The Brotherhood of Mages (8/16/16)
- Magnificent Samurai Session 6 (8/15/16)
- Around the Blogs: Point Costs (6/22/16) - My two bits in a multi-blog discussion of point values.
- Magnificent Samurai: Session 3 (6/13/16)
- Artifacts: The Bronze Arrow (6/08/16) - An Artifact from my fantasy campaigns.
- My Notes on GURPS Magic Enchantment (6/01/16)
- Review: Pyramid 3-91: Thaumatology IV (6/01/16)
- Magnificent Samurai: Session 2 (5/24/16)
- Magnificent Samurai: Session 1 (5/16/16) - The Campaign Log for Session 1 of the Magnificent Samurai.
- Primary Sources in Fantasy Gaming (5/10/16) - What would "Primary Sources" in fantasy gaming be other than sourcebooks?
- Magnificent Samurai: Session 0 (5/05/16) - Notes on the beginning of a new campaign.
- Review: Pyramid 3-90: After the End (5/03/16) - A review of the April Pyramid.
- A Note and an NPC (4/27/16) - A light posting week.
- How I Made Death Matter Again (4/20/16) - Making death matter in a fantasy game with resurrection present.
- Alchemy Styles (4/18/16) - Alchemical Styles, inspired by martial and magical styles.
- Review: GURPS After the End 2: The New World (4/18/16) - A review of After the End 2.
- Making Diseases Effective in Fantasy (4/08/16) - Notes on diseases in a fantasy gameworld.
- Review: Pyramid 3-89: Alternate Dungeons II (4/04/16) - A review of the March Pyramid.
Yore (Martin Ralya)- The GURPSening continues: S. John Ross� recommended GURPS book list (6/23/16)
- GURPS Time Travel�s four mini-settings (6/22/16)
- GURPS Creatures of the Night offers up some creepy gems (6/16/16)
- Time Corps: A brilliant time travel setting in 13 pages (5/26/16)
- GURPS Time Travel is neat (5/25/16)
- A blast from the GURPS: Warehouse 23 and Illuminati (5/20/16)
The Collaborative Gamer (Joseph Linden)- DF Kickstarter reaches stretch goal 5! (9/27/16)
- Three cheers for the new obvious! (9/26/16)
- DF Kickstarter destroys stretch goal 4! (9/26/16)
- DF Kickstarter reaches stretch goal 3! (9/21/16)
- The Return of Temian Fell! (9/21/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy RPG Smashes Stretch Goal 2! (9/19/16)
- DFRPG Kickstarter succeeds! (9/17/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter! Amazing! (9/02/16)
- Gazetteer: The Wistwilds (5/04/16)
- Temian�s New Loadout (4/29/16)
MoeLane.com (Moe Lane)- New Martial Art: Full-Contact Wellness Care [GURPS 4e] (9/27/16)
- GURPS Advantage/Package: Shoggie-Ridden [GURPS 4e] (9/23/16)
- GURPS Discworld [4E] and Mars Attacks! now on pre-order. (9/17/16)
- GURPS Martial Art: Python Strike Thesis Defense Kung Fu [GURPS 4E] (9/17/16)
- Annnnnd the �Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Powered by GURPS� Kickstarter funded. (9/17/16)
- The Problematic Jerry Moore. [GURPS 4E] (9/16/16)
- GURPS disease/package: Garish Tattoo. [GURPS 4E] (9/14/16)
- Tweet of the Day, GURPS Mars Attacks Coming Soon! edition (9/12/16)
- Lagoon-2 (Quantum 6) #gurpsday (9/08/16)
- An adaptation of Nikola Tesla�s GURPS Who�s Who 1 stats for 4e. (9/02/16)
- The �Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Powered by GURPS� Kickstarter. (9/01/16)
- GURPS Disadvantage: Quinzel�s Syndrome [GURPS 4e] (8/25/16)
hoploblog (V)- Skills: Exorcism, Part 1 (5/30/16)
- Partial Visual Magnetism � How To Only Be Slightly Handsome (5/21/16)
- Come Fly With Me � Part 2: Know Your Subraces (5/10/16)
- Come Fly With Me � Aarakocras and You � Part 1 (5/10/16)
- The GURPS Point Profile � v5.5 (5/09/16)
- Short Post � Fallout Power Armor Test (4/24/16)
- Introducing the Reinard Parkour (4/18/16)
No School Grognard (Mark Langsdorf)- Nu World Session 8 (8/21/16)
- Nu World Session 7 (8/17/16)
- Nu World Session 6 (8/10/16)
- Nu World, Sessions 3, 4, and 5 (6/19/16)
- Nu World Session 2 (5/26/16)
- After the End: Scouting the Scavenge Sites (5/10/16)
- Nu World Session 1 (5/05/16)
- After the End: Non-generic bullets (4/26/16)
- Easier Armor Design (4/23/16)
- After the End: Skill Cheat Sheet (4/20/16)
- GURPS: After the End and Gamma World, 2nd Edition (3/19/16)
- After the End and the problem of Armor Stats (3/17/16)
- Castle of Horrors Session 17 (2/04/16) : The PCs hunt down the vampire and engage it in a confused melee when they are attacked in turn by the crazy axeman!
- Castle of Horors Session 16 (1/29/16) The PCs meet the gnomes on the 3rd floor again and discover they're bound to a vampire! The vampire attacks and is forced to flee, but the PCs still need to find the lair and finish it off.
- Castle of Horrors Sessions 14 and 15 (1/26/16)
- Castle of Horrors Session 13 (1/07/16)
- Castle of Horrors Session 12 (1/06/16)
- Astral Diamonds, Magic Items, and Dungeon Fantasy (12/23/15)
- Castle of Horrors Session 11 (12/17/15)
- College Ritual Book Magic: Some playtest results (12/13/15)
- Castle of Horrors Session 10 (12/10/15)
- Castle of Horrors Session 9 (12/09/15)
- Castle of Horrors Session 8 (11/20/15)
- Castle of Horrors Session 7 (11/12/15)
- Castle of Horrors Session 6 (11/05/15)
Just Roll 3d6 (Colin)- Why GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Is Awesome (9/07/16) - In light of the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter, this post discusses why dungeon fantasy is so popular�and why GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is a great way to play the genre.
- Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter Announced (9/02/16)
- Character Creation Options (8/30/16) - Point buy may be the default way to create GURPS characters, but it's far from the only option. This post examines several methods for building GURPS characters and explores which mechanism make the most sense for different player and GM needs.
- Aborting Combat in GURPS (8/23/16) - Balancing GURPS combat is tricky for new GMs. This post discusses strategies to abort an unexpectedly dangerous encounter without leaving the players feel cheated.
- Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills Review (8/16/16) - This review of GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills looks at how GMs can balance wildcards in their games, as well as how players can find ideas for wildcard skills to use with their characters.
- Understanding Reaction Modifiers (8/09/16) - What does a +1 reaction bonus mean in practice? How severe is a -2 reaction penalty? This post will interpret reaction modifiers so players and GMs can anticipate the consequences of gameplay choices on their characters' social interactions.
- Ballparking Fatigue Costs (8/02/16) - Fatigue is the odd stat out in GURPS. This post will present a rules-light way to ballpark fatigue costs so GMs can easily incorporate fatigue into their campaigns.
- Thematic Character Creation with Template Optimal Concepts (6/15/16) - By using character-driven traits, players and GMs can quickly create characters that fill specific roles, embody particular backgrounds, or have unique motivations.
- How Broad is Your Wildcard Skill? Using Inventory Rolls to Model Skill Breadth (6/01/16) - This post explores a house rule for determining whether marginally-related skills are really included within a wildcard skill. This approach adapts the inventory roll technique (rolling to see whether a character has a particular piece of equipment) to create a "wildcard breadth check."
- Template Toolkit 1: Characters Review (5/25/16) - This review of GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters looks at how templates can be used to speed up character creation, as well as how players and GMs can use the templating process to learn more about what makes characters effective.
Game in the Brain (Justin Aquino)- Finished The Long War: Killer of men, Marathon, and, Poseidon's Spear (9/19/16)
- Hard Mode 60-80 Part 2 (7/04/16)
- Hard Mode: Rule 60-80 (6/27/16)
- Adventuring Skills Part 2: Physical Skills (6/20/16)
- Random Character Gen update: Life Event Table (6/15/16)
- Adventuring Skills part 1: Problem Solving Skills (6/13/16)
- Professional vs Technical (6/08/16)
- My notes on Organization in TRPGs (6/06/16)
- GURPS Lite Character Creation May 31 Report (6/01/16)
- My notes in using Zones (5/30/16)
- Leadership and Teamwork in TRPGs (5/23/16)
- Crosspost: GURPS Day Impact on Game in the Brain (5/16/16)
- GURPS day cross post - Appreciating the Work (5/11/16)
- Running GURPS more narratively Part 3: implications (5/09/16)
- Profession Skill Scope (5/02/16)
- Running GURPS More Narratively Part 2; Faster GURPS Combat April 2016 Update (4/27/16)
- Merchant Skill decoupled in GURPS (4/20/16)
- Collaborative Gamer's Solo Campaign is a GMing Practice Session (4/15/16)
- Running GURPS more Narratively (4/13/16)
- GURPS Lite Constructive Review (4/07/16)
- GURPS Magic Notes 26: 2016 Update (3/30/16)
- GURPS Languages (3/23/16)
- Progress report 11C Random Character Generation Booklet (3/16/16)
- When Certainty Fails 40% of the time, and Luck has a greater factor to Success than skill. (3/14/16)
- GURPS updated Effort level March 2016 (3/09/16)
Bat in the Attic (Rob Conley)- Old School Is Too Cool: The Dungeon Fantasy RPG (9/28/16)
- A sneak preview of a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Character (9/22/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy is Funded! (9/17/16)
- The Basics of GURPS (again) (9/07/16)
- Taking a hard look at the Dungeon Fantasy RPG (9/02/16)
- Big GURPS Dungeon Fantasy News (8/31/16)
- Is the format of Wizard's DM Guild a way out for GURPS? (1/15/16)
- Making GURPS more approachable. (12/07/15)
- Low Magic with Swords and Wizardry (8/05/15)
- Rolling for advantage and disadvantage in GURPS (3/27/15)
- Fantasy Hero Complete is released (3/03/15)
- GURPS, Time, and Experience (1/12/15)
- Steve Jackson's 2013 Stakeholder Report (9/01/14)
- Some basic Majestic Wilderlands Info. (8/18/14)
- So D100 (Runequest, Legend,BRP) or Fudge/Fate? (9/13/13)
- So you want to be an Earth monk in GURPS (8/31/13)
- A Sandbox Campaign, the Nomar Campaign Part 2 (6/11/13)
- A Sandbox Campaign, the Nomar Campaign Part 1 (6/10/13)
- Some excellent Memorial Day Gaming at CoGS Con I (5/28/13)
- What up with GURPS? (9/28/12)
- GURPS Majestic Wilderlands: Campaign Update #1 (8/13/12)
- GURPS Wilderlands: Enter the Naginata (7/20/12)
- GURPS Majestic Wilderlands: Dwarves (7/19/12)
- Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen (7/16/12)
- GURPS Conan re-released! (2/11/12)
World of Lycretia (Jeromy French)- Goblins of Lycretia (6/11/16)
- The Battle of Olian River (3/27/16)
- The Drunken Goat (3/18/16)
- The Naga Whistlestop (3/10/16)
- The Black Pot (2/23/16)
- Blythe (2/18/16)
- The Cave of Serrod (2/14/16)
Lost in Technology Again (Bill Barnes)---
One Yard Hex (Paul Stefko)- Let's Make a Character On a Whim: GURPS After the End (6/08/16)
- Adventurers' Guild for GURPS (5/27/16)
- Martin Strummer, Dungeon Fantasy Bard (5/19/16)
- Let's Make a Character: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Bard (4/30/16)
- GURPS After the End: Bruce, the Hulking Mutant (3/31/16)
- GURPS After the End: Doctor and Bodyguard (3/10/16)
- Implant Nanodrugs for Ultra-Tech (2/18/16)
- Space Patrol: Engineering Crewman Thomas ZL-7 (2/04/16)
- Space Patrol: Doctor (Ensign) Marco De La Cruz (1/21/16)
- Space Patrol: Lt. Commander Lakshmi Undatu (1/14/16)
- Space Patrol: The Ranger (1/11/16)
- Space Patrol: The Pilot (12/18/15)
- Space Patrol: The Scientist (12/09/15)
- Space Patrol: Investigator (12/08/15)
- Space Patrol: The Engineer (12/07/15)
- Tholin, Dwarven Chipper-Shredder (9/24/15)
- Illuminati University Patented Self-Defense Training (9/03/15)
- A Few Rituals for GURPS Ritual Path Magic (9/02/15)
- New Technique for GURPS Martial Arts: Grab Through Cover (8/19/15)
- Cyberpunk Weapons (7/03/15)
- Quick Power Sets for GURPS Supers (5/22/15)
- "Richard" Grey, Rogue Alien Commando (5/14/15)
- Samson Burke, Born Zombie Killer (4/30/15)
- GURPS Zombies: Day One on Warehouse 23 (4/03/15)
- New Gems for the Gem Sword (3/27/15)
Further Up the Spire (Archon Shiva)- Interlude: Seeds of Filth (7/29/16) - A slightly silly interlude of players old and new turning the tables and playing ratfolk.
- Playing with players� perceptions (6/30/16)
- Session: Once More Into the Lair, Part II (6/26/16) - The final chapter in the interminable rat lair saga.
- Session: Once More Into the Lair, Part I (5/15/16) - After a resounding defeat, the PCs rally and go back to the rat lair to finish the job.
- Session: Rats! (4/17/16) - PCs attempt cleaning out a rat lair, for fun and profit.
- Ptolus Easter Egg Hunt (3/27/16) - A treasure hunt through players' recollections, for free rerolls at the next session.
- Session: The Shipment (3/16/16) - A new drug lord is trying to install his trade in Mistzy's neighborhood.
- Session: Love & Marriage (3/03/16) - Valentine's Day near-TPK featuring charming feys and demons.
- Year One Summary (2/23/16) - For my campaign's one-year anniversary, I compiled a list of all the factions and forces the PCs have interacted with.
- Melee Academy: Pre-Fight Moves (2/12/16) - What can you do even before the battle starts?
Moral GURPitude (Michael Viviano)- Cutter Deck Plan (8/08/16)
- Policenauts! (7/14/16)
- We meet in a tavern! (7/12/16)
Book and Sword (Sean Manning)---
Dark Paths and Wandered Roads (Jason Woollard)- Sundered Lands 12.1 (9/08/16) - Seeker and Moonscar head off to take care of some business of their own. They revisit the Harbormaster's estate, talk with an enemy and run into some prejudice. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Sundered Lands 12 (9/08/16) - The companions regroup after their adventures in the Vanderboren Vault and plan their next moves, including gathering some information on Lavina's brother, Vanthus, do a little magical shopping and prep Arn for some undercover work. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Sundered Lands 11 (9/01/16) - The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Grand Duchy 85 (9/01/16) - The Grey Company does more exploration of the ancient Temple of Pflarr. Remar discovers a new "friend." Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Grand Duchy 84 (8/25/16) - Griffin, Draven, Remar and Iris battle the undead in the Temple of Pflarr. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Sundered Lands 10 (8/11/16) - Valinya uses magic to figure some things out while the rest of the crew tries to figure out the secret of the Vault. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Sundered Lands 9 (8/04/16) - The Guardians and Lavinia go to see the Harbormaster then visit Castle Teraknian and the Vanderboren family vault. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Grand Duchy 83 (7/07/16) - The Grey Company plans entry into a ruined temple. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Grand Duchy 82 (6/23/16) - The Grey Company learns the sad tale of the Traldar, repels an undead horde and goes to check out a ruined temple next door. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Sundered Lands 8 (6/16/16) - The Guardians re-take the Blue Nixie and begin looking for what they came for, hopefully before the Harbor Watch arrives! The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Sundered Lands 7 (6/09/16) - The heart-pounding conclusion to the battle aboard the Blue Nixie! The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Simple Tricks IV (6/02/16) - The Crew makes their way across the galaxy, brokering shady deals, purchasing cold weather gear and looking for a missing son. On the snowy world of Ando Prime, they find some answers and end up in the crossfire of a gunfight in a snow filled canyon! The continuing saga of the Crew of the Painted S'kytri in our GURPS: Star Wars campaign, Simple Tricks and Nonsense.
- Grand Duchy 81 (5/26/16) - The members of the Grey Company are led to the Traldar village of Ronkan. They are greeted by a warm welcome... and screams in the night! Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Sundered Lands 6 (5/19/16) - The Guardians agree to help Lavinia find out what has happened to her ship, the Blue Nixie. Their investigation quickly turns into a blind assault in the harbor. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Simple Tricks III (5/13/16) - Take Him Home. The crew of the Painted S'kytri take their beloved Captain "home" to Socorro for an honorable burial. They have to make a few stops along the way, though. The continuing saga of the Crew of the Painted S'kytri in our GURPS: Star Wars campaign, Simple Tricks and Nonsense.
- Grand Duchy 80 (5/05/16) - The Grey Company leads the northern charge against the "mutts," enemies of the lizard riders. The "mutts" have some divine magic on their side... will the Grey Company be able to overcome? Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Sundered Lands 5 (4/21/16) - The Guardians of Bletherad meet the person they have been seeking and agree to help her regain her family ship and fortune. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Grand Duchy 79 (4/15/16) - The Grey Company assist the lizard riders in their foray against the "mutts" of the valley. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Sundered Lands 4.3 (4/12/16) - Seeker and Moonscar slink around the seedy part of Essanos over on the Shadowshore. (part 3/3) The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Sundered Lands 4.2 (4/10/16) - Fortis and Valinya fly across the harbor in search of the local mages guild, the Witchwardens. (part 2/3) The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Sundered Lands 4.1 (4/10/16) - Silver the Dragon (in female Elf form) and Arn the Dwarf (also in female Elf form) secure lodgings for the party. (part 1/3) The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Grand Duchy 78 (4/01/16) - The Grey Company explorers further into the valley, experiences a snakebite, skirts some ruins, gets bugs in their faces, finds some dead bodies and is accused of murder by lizard riding strangers. Another exciting episode of the Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS Mystara campaign.
- Sundered Lands 3 (3/24/16) - The companions finally arrive in the city of Essanos and begin their search for the mysterious blonde girl said to be the key to defeating the Chaos Lords. The newest adventures in the Sundered Lands of Palladium, our GURPS: Palladium Fantasy campaign.
- Grand Duchy 77 (3/17/16) - The Grey Company cautiously continues their exploration of the quiet valley. Challenges continue to present themselves, but they are overcome. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
- Simple Tricks II (3/15/16) - The Lambda Heist. The Crew of the Painted S'kytri infiltrate, assault and steal from an Imperial base on a backwater moon. Episode II of our ongoing GURPS: Star Wars campaign.
The Lands of Nandeme (Charles Saeger)- Game log 25 September 2016: The Kobolds Strike (9/26/16)
- Resting in the dungeon (9/16/16)
- Crimes and fines (9/14/16)
- Lair in Mount Saint Ellen (9/11/16)
- Game log 28 August 2016: Green Acres is the place to be (9/04/16)
- All the alpha nerds are talking 'bout this (9/01/16)
- Sharp-Billed Stork (8/30/16)
- 14 August 2016 game log (8/15/16)
- 31 July 2016 game log (8/14/16)
- 24 July 2016 game log (7/24/16)
- 19 June 2016 game log (6/29/16)
- Sola Scriptura XIII: DF 3, Chapter 5: Advancement (6/11/16)
- Game log 4 June 2016 (6/11/16)
- Game log 22 May 2016 (5/31/16)
- Sola Scriptura XII: DF 3, Chapter 4: New Capabilities (5/08/16)
- DF skill cheat sheet, redux (5/08/16)
- DF skill cheat sheet (5/07/16)
- Game Log Mayday 2016 (5/02/16)
- New DF Monster: Minions (5/01/16)
- Sola Scriptura XI: DF 3, Chapter 3 (4/23/16)
- Game log for 17 April 2016 (4/21/16)
- Sola Scriptura X: Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level, Chapter 2: Mixing Professions (4/10/16)
- Game log 3 April 2016 (4/04/16)
- Working on an adventure (4/02/16)
- Sola Scriptura IX (3/22/16)
Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)- Special GURPSDay for DF Kickstarter (9/28/16)
- Aeon Campaign S3E10 - Operation Viking (planning) (9/27/16) - Aeon Campaign S3E10 - We very, very quickly try and raise a perfectly non-homicidal robot love-child of two conflicting opposing powers, with moderate success, we think. We're so proud. We then turn our minds to preventing Blue Skies from obtaining the last information they need to mass-produce metahumans, which is located at Century Base, east of Thule, Greenland. Plans are being formulated.
- Back from Thailand! Major Status Update (9/26/16)
- GURPS Day Summary Sept 16 - Sept 22, 2016 (9/23/16)
- Note: Thursday Sept 23 GURPSDay - one ping only (9/20/16)
- GURPS Day Summary Sept 9 - Sept 15, 2016 (9/15/16)
- Aeon Campaign S3E9 - It's a girl! (9/13/16) - When Eamon and Ezekiel's powers love each other very much, we try and resolve the conundrum of a potentially evil machine by creating Female Ultron.
- GURPS Day Summary Sept 2 - Sept 8, 2016 (9/08/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set: The Word of Kromm (9/07/16) - With all the excitement about he DF Boxed Set, and even with my interview, there's a lot of information Sean Punch has put out there in the DF threat of the SJG Forums. I've collected it here into one post.
- Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set: Interview with Line Editor Sean Punch (9/07/16) - I had the opportunity to sit down once again with GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch for a 90-minute interview concerning the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set.
- Aeon Campaign S3E8 - Take Me Out to the Ballgame (9/06/16) - Aeon S3E8 - We take on a giant mob in Yankee Stadium. Lots of mooks, a giant minigun, and a guy with six attacks who can deliver a -8 deceptive attack. It's a pretty robust battle and we blunder through thanks to huge karma spends. Nonetheless, Zephyr almost bites it. We win, but it's messy.
- DF Kickstarter Funding Goals and Costs (9/03/16) - Is $100K too much for a KS goal for the DF boxed set? No. Definitely not, and I give estimates of why I think it's either bang-on or even a little low. Applies to any self-publishing venture.
- DF Kickstarter Update #2: PDFs of DF files (9/01/16) - SJG adds the ability to get PDFs of the DF Boxed set to the Kickstarter Add-ons. Asked and answered!
- DF Kickstarter Update #1: A pretty damn important note (9/01/16) - An important note from Phil Reed in Update #1 from the Kickstarter about international shipping, and how you can back the project anyway, showing a vote of support for GURPS. Please read it, and consider backing.
- GURPS Day Summary Aug 26 - Sept 1, 2016 (9/01/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set - Q&A with Phil Reed (8/31/16) - Steve Jackson Games' CEO Phil Reed answers a few of my questions about the recently-announced GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set!
- Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set announced! (8/31/16) - Steve Jackson Games makes a big announcement - a Kickstarter for a five-volume boxed Dungeon Fantasy set with lots of goodies in the box. Ready-to-play, with consolidated and edited content that will invite beginners and please grognards. Also - I've got interviews scheduled with Phil Reed and Sean Punch on this topic over the next two weeks. Watch this space!
- Aeon Campaign S3E7 - Ante-mortem (8/30/16) - In S3E7 of the Aeon campaign, we attend the civilian funeral of a fallen hero off-screen. We then try and figure out how to take the fight back to Blue Skies, and decide to really play the anti-Wheaton card. We get them evicted from their own main headquarters. Upon doing that, we realize that we've been penetrated at a high level by a group similar to Anonymous called Sentry. That is interrupted in true pulp fashion by a biker gang with machineguns. They are dealt with efficiently, but a bigger threat is revealed.
- GURPS Day Summary Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2016 (8/25/16)
- Aeon Campaign S3E6 - Interrogation (8/23/16) - In S3E6 of the Aeon campaign, we interrogate and debrief some of the people we extracted from the Blue Skies base. One is definitely a prisoner, while two are kidnap victims with varying level of moral integrity (and arrogance). We start to unravel the 'what' but not the 'why' and need to make plans for the future.
- GURPS Day Summary Aug 12 - Aug 18, 2016 (8/18/16)
- Locked blades in GURPS (8/16/16) - A post by Daniel Dover at Mailanka's Musings has me thinking about lightsabers. S[ecifically, how to represent all that blade-binding you see in the movies.
- Aeon Campaign S3E5 - The wrong damn rec room (8/16/16) - In S2E5 of the Aeon campaign, we start out with a good plan. We attack the base. The plan goes pear-shaped. And there's ED209 with very effective machine guns. And a crystal skull.? Man down, Ethan. Man down.
- GURPS Day Summary Aug 5 - Aug 11, 2016 (8/11/16)
- Market Research: One Book or Multiple for RPGs? (8/10/16) - One book or several for a Roleplaying Game? Some really low-level market research[/URL] (I took a poll) and how Print-on-Demand might allow everyone to have cake and devour it properly. Turns out GURPS Fourth Edition's setup seems popular.
5 Stone Games (5 Stone Games)- A Tip For Much Faster and more fun GURPS Combat (3/24/16)
- What Happened to GURPSday (3/24/16)
- Because Everybody Loves Weapons (from GURPS Farther Tomorrows_ (2/25/16)
- A Rules Blurb from GURPS Farther Tomorrows (2/25/16)
- Notes from GURPS Farther Tomorrows (2/25/16)
- The Crew of the Vi-Vi from GURPS Farther Tomorrows (2/25/16)
- GURPSday 5 Areas where GURPS falls a bit flat (2/18/16)
- GURPSday 5 places where GURPS Excels (2/18/16)
- So what GURPS have you played and run ? (2/12/16)
- A late night GURPSday post Some notes on house rules (2/12/16)
- All my current favorites in order (yes with GURPS listed it is GURPS day) (2/05/16)
- What would you play if you GURPS didn't exist? (2/04/16)
- So is GURPS Deep Star Inspired by the Expanse ? (2/04/16)
- Alsmost missed GURPSday and What's Next GURPS Deep Star (1/29/16)
- My next plans regarding GURPS for 2016 (1/21/16)
- Its GURPS Thursday so a bit of personal history and making GURPS bigger (1/21/16)
- Things I learned from my recent failed GURPS game (3/02/13)
- Some Random GURPS house rules (2/21/12)
- My simple GURPS Chase and Sneak Rules (10/19/11)
- Campaign Ideas 2011 Late March (3/22/11)
- Now added: GURPS Ballistics Spreadsheet (2/26/11)
Dice and Discourse (Joseph Mason)- GURPS News and Wild Speculation (8/20/16)
- Google Sheets NPC Sheet (7/05/16)
- Water Wizards, the Direct Damage Mages (6/30/16)
- Warehouse 23 Top Ten (4/22/16)
- Shared Doc for Online Game Character Sheets (3/10/16)
- Making Traps Fun (2/25/16)
- GURPS in Fallout, or Fallout in GURPS (11/05/15)
- GURPS Fallout Character Survey (10/15/15)
- GURPS Lost Mine of Phandelver (10/07/15)
- Skill + (7/12/15)
- GURPS Misconceptions: Rules required (7/02/15)
- The Disadvantages of GURPS (Part 2) (6/28/15)
- The Disadvantages of GURPS (6/25/15)
- Recap: Nexus 5 - Raiding the Castle (3/24/15)
- Recap: Nexus 4 - To the Castle (3/19/15)
- Recap: Nexus 3 - Minotaur to Bugbear (3/12/15)
- Recap: DF Nexus 2 - The Dark Woods (3/04/15)
- Dungeon Fantasy and Threshold-Limited Magery (2/27/15)
- Recap: DF Nexus Session 1: Something Wicked in the Wind (2/26/15)
- DF Setting: Nexus (2/26/15)
- Technomancer Campaign Planning Form (1/23/15)
- Technomancer: Racial Templates (1/10/15)
- GURPS in 2015 (1/06/15)
- Lanton: The Recolin Events (12/02/14)
- Lanton: History of the North (11/29/14)
Mailanka's Musings (Daniel Dover)- My feelings on GURPS Dungeon Fantasy (9/29/16)
- Starfighter Tactics (9/28/16) - Having run out of unarmed styles to talk about, I offer you a bonus post expanding on starfighter tactics with techniques, perks and sample styles
- Psionic Martial Arts (9/27/16) - Wherein I take a deeper look at Christopher Rice's Ishin-Denshin, Third Eye Fighting, and introduce Psionic Force Swordmanship
- Unarmed Styles: Fancy Techniques (9/26/16)
- Unarmed Styles: Practical Techniques (9/25/16) - A look at practical, victory-focused unarmed styles, and what their place might be in Psi-Wars, including Signature moves
- Armed Styled: Neurolash Techniques (9/21/16) - A detailed looked at neurolash weaponry, including modification rules, their place in psi-wars, and what some fighting styles might look like
- Armed Styles: The Vibro-Blade (9/21/16) - An in depth discussion of vibro-weapons, where they fit into Psi-Wars, including rules for modifying vibro-weapons, and fighting styles that focus more exclusively on vibro-weapons
- New Styles: Outlaw Tactics (9/19/16) - A detailed look at fighting styles and approaches for characters using ranged weapons generally available to civilians, such as blaster pistols or hunting blasters.
- New Styles: Military Tactics (9/18/16) - A detailed look at fighting styles and approaches for characters using military-scale hardware, such as plasma weaponry or gatling blasters
- Alternate Force Swords (9/14/16)
- New Styles: Force-Swordsmanship 2 (9/13/16)
- New Styles: Force-Swordsmanship (9/12/16)
- Designing New Martial Arts (9/11/16)
- Rewriting Combat: The Cheat Sheet (9/07/16)
- Rewriting Combat: Optional Rules (9/06/16)
- Rewriting Combat: Advantages, Skills and Techniques (9/05/16)
- Rewriting Combat: The Intent (9/04/16)
- Tactical Analysis: Monstrous Conflict (8/31/16) - Not all combat in Psi-Wars will feature human-on-human action. This is sci-fi! So, this article takes a look at how well the standard tactics of the setting will fare against giant space monsters or implacable robots. Rawr!
- Tactical Analysis: Civilian Conflict (8/30/16) - A look at how Psi-Wars combat will play out off the battlefield, with a discussion of gang warfare, duels and assassinations, and how well typical tactics and approaches will work in each situation
- Tactical Analysis: Military Conflict (8/29/16)
- Martial Arts Analysis: Breaking down Psi-Wars Tactics (8/28/16) - This week, I kick off a look at how I expect combat to look in Psi-Wars. This posts discusses the reasons for that, and what sorts of scenarios I want to look at
- Martial Arts Analysis: Force Sword-And-Buckler Combat (8/24/16)
- Martial Arts Analysis: Ishin-Denshin (8/24/16) - an analysis of Inshin Denshin, a psionic hand-to-hand style by Christopher Rice, found in Pyramid #3-69, including its themes, how it'll play out, how well it fits into the model of Psi-Wars, and what an Inshin Denshin practitioner might look like
- Martial Arts Analysis: Way of the Galaxy (8/23/16) - An analysis of Way of the Galaxy, a shootist style found in GURPS Gun Fu, including a look at the theory behind it, how it differs from Star Wars, what works, what doesn't, and what it would take to make a decent character with it
- Martial Arts Analysis: Force-Swordsmanship (8/22/16) - An analysis of standard GURPS Force-Swordsmanship, including a look at the theory behind it, how it differs from Star Wars, what works, what doesn't, and what it would take to make a decent character with it
Sharrukin's Palace (Jon F Zeigler)- Progress Report (6 July 2016) (7/07/16)
- Progress Report (26 June 2016) (6/26/16)
- Some Questions, a Few Answers (6/08/16)
- Progress Report (6 June 2016) (6/07/16)
- New Project: Worlds without Number (5/05/16)
- Progress Report (25 April 2016) (4/26/16)
- The Human Destiny Setting (Part IV): More Aliens (3/06/16)
- The Human Destiny Setting (Part III): Some Aliens (2/28/16)
- Character Sketch: Aminata Ndoye (Revised) (2/21/16)
- The Human Destiny Setting (Part II): Social Assumptions (2/18/16)
T Bone's GURPS Diner (T Bone)- Updated: GLAIVE Mini weapon builder system hits v2.0! (4/11/16) - Got GURPS? Get some custom-built melee weapons! The fan-made GLAIVE Mini weapon builder system hits v2.0.
- Bad medicine: Tiny tweak for Unusual Biochemistry effects (11/25/14)
- Cheaper by the dozen: Cutting the cost of high-level everything (8/08/13)
- Idea pot: Kickin' it with GURPS (7/10/13)
- Update: A Better Cost for ST � now with HP too! (5/10/13)
- Gaming Low-Power, Low-Tech PCs, Part III (4/13/13)
- Building the dungeon matador: Creatures and combat familiarity (4/02/13)
- Gaming Low-Power, Low-Tech PCs, Part II (3/25/13)
- Gaming Low-Power, Low-Tech PCs, Part I (2/25/13)
- Game design musing: Drawing a bead on ranged combat targeting (2/22/13)
- Minor brush-ups to COSH (2/12/13)
- RPG Science: Physical performance with armor and other loads (1/11/13)
- Minor update to GLAIVE Mini (8/22/12)
- Slashdot takes note of new Steve Jackson Games releases (3/24/12)
- RPG science: Dinosaurs heavier than thought? (12/22/11)
- Now in Pyramid: GURPS Combat Options from the Games Diner (8/12/11)
- Rules Nugget (GURPS): Throw Like You Mean It (5/10/11)
- Rules Nugget (GURPS): Duck! (5/10/11)
- Updated DECIDE defense tweak (2/08/11)
- Momentum or Kinetic Energy: Which One Pierces a T Rex's Chain Mail on a Glancing Blow? (1/25/11)
Castalia House (Varies)- GURPS Watch: GURPS Day, Incantation Magic, and Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter! (9/12/16)
- David Pulver on How RPG Settings Killed the SFF Canon (8/02/16)
- GURPS Dwimmermount� With Zero Prep (2/08/16)
Dr. Kromm's GURPS Livejournal ("Sean ""Dr. Kromm"" Punch")- Another week in the life of GURPS (9/23/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (9/16/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (9/09/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (9/02/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (8/26/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (8/19/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (8/12/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (8/05/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (7/29/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (7/22/16)
- Another two weeks in the life of GURPS (7/15/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (7/01/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (6/24/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (6/17/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (6/10/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (6/03/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/27/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/20/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/13/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (5/06/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (4/29/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (4/22/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (4/15/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (4/08/16)
- Another week in the life of GURPS (4/01/16)
Jeffro's Space Gaming Blog (Jeffro Johnson)- Happy Birthday to Douglas Cole! (10/02/15)
- Cold Booting a GURPS Traveller Convention Game (2/27/14)
- Nineties GURPS: the Apex of Freakishly Weird Gaming (8/05/13)
- The Iconography of Early GURPS Products (7/01/13)
- GURPS Autoduel: When Steve Jackson Pulled Out All the Stops� (6/24/13)
- Rock-Paper-Scissors in Warfare and Game Design (6/12/13)
- Gibbets: A New Monster for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy (4/11/13)
- Mental Assault: A Telepathic Attack for GURPS Powers (4/04/13)
- The Gorlocks: A New Monster For GURPS Dungeon Fantasy (3/28/13)
- Gaming Notes March 24, 2013 (3/24/13)
Improvised Radio Theatre - With Dice (RogerBW)- A Cycle of Death, Depression and Gloom (9/01/16)
- God Says No Backsies (8/01/16)
- Ludo-Narrative Dissonance (7/01/16)
- Carry On Up the UNIT HQ (6/01/16)
- There Ought To Be A Housekeeping Section (4/01/16)
- Random Political Shenanigans Generation Table (3/01/16)
- Groupies Wearing Corsets and Top Hats (1/01/16)
- The Rough Wheels of their Intellects (11/01/15)
- Find Our Werewolf, Please, and Try Not to Get Eaten By Him (10/01/15)
- A Step Over into the Anything Can Happen (9/01/15)
Panhumanity's Edge (Christain Blouin)- The secret life of sapiens AIs (8/01/16)
- Should Artificial Intelligence kill hard Scifi roleplaying? (7/26/16)
- Pirate Whale 1 - Hostile takeover (7/24/16)
- Pfan 3 - Machine learning (7/19/16)
- Pfan 2 - The inherent cost of fame (7/17/16)
- Pfan 1 - Cyberstalkers on St-Denis St. (7/16/16)
- Epiphanie Santini (7/14/16)
- Spaceships battle - Autonomous Kill Vehicle raid on a tanker (7/12/16)
- Endosymbiont: Configuration guide to your virtual interface implant (7/10/16)
- The Web as a GURPS contact (7/09/16)
GURB- The Generic Universal Roleplaying Blog (The_RyujinLP)- I Can See Clearly Now That The Hyperspectral Goggles Are On! I Can See All Obstacles In My Waaayyyy! (9/22/16) - Afraid of the Dark? Tired of your enemies staying out of sight with the latest in therm-optic camouflage? Tired of the same old, same old when it comes to passive visual sensors? Then click the link and find out how you can upgrade your collection, today!
- My Review of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic (9/17/16)
- Highly Mobile Infantry (9/15/16)
- Blogs and Posts That I like (9/10/16)
- My Thoughts On The GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter (9/09/16)
- Power Armor, Powered Up! (9/08/16) -Need some more heavy metal love in your life? The bog standard Dreadnought Heavy Battlesuit not cutting it anymore? Need some custom powered suits for hapless soldiers as they battle the evil space bugs? Then you needs some Power Armor, Powered-Up!.
- What's the Deal With the Beam Weapons Skill? (9/01/16) - In this weeks GURPS Day post I go over some of my isues with how GURPS handles the Beam Weapons skill and some possible ways to fix it.
- Noodling about Hyper Dense Armor and Traveller (8/27/16) -A quick little post were I ramble on about how I go through deconstructing how things work in GURPS, Ultra-Techs ties to Traveller and convert some Traveller armor materials into GURPS.
- Better Living Through Superior Firepower (8/25/16) - In today's post I stat up some generic plasma guns you can use as templates to put to use the tips and techniques I explained in Brand Loyalty. Think of it as homework... with guns!
- Brand Loyalty (8/18/16) - Board using the same gear every game? Players want a little more excitement when they want their characters buy new stuff? Might be time you all developed a little... Brand Loyalty!
- Plasma Guns, Re-Energized!, Addendum! (8/16/16) - And Addendum to my last post, Plasma Guns, Re-Energized!. This covers some new options, a few that were cut and one that I forgot to add.
- Plasma Guns, Re-Energized! (8/11/16) - Plasma Guns, Re-Energized! Need more plasma weapon love in your game? Then read on to find out how to stat your own high-energy goodness!.
- Welp, I've just came down with a cause of the blogs.... (8/09/16)
Cadiz Redemption (Michael Wolf)- Session 14 - November 20 - November 23 4005AD (8/26/16)
- Session 13 - November 16 - November 20 5002AD (8/09/16)
- Session 12 - November 16 - November 5002AD (7/28/16)
- Session 11 - November 10 - November 12 5002AD (7/11/16)
- Session 10 - November 4 - November 9 5002 AD (6/24/16)
- Session 9 - October 30 - November 4 5002 AD (6/08/16)
- Session 8 - October 27 - October 29 5002AD (5/27/16)
- Session 7 - October 24 - October 27 5002AD (5/19/16)
- Session 6 - October 21 - October 24 5002AD (5/01/16)
- Session 5 - October 16 - October 21 5002AD (4/16/16)
- Session 4 - October 13 - October 16 5002AD (3/31/16)
- Session 3 - October 9 - October 13 5002 AD (3/02/16)
- Session 2 - October 7-October 9 5002AD (2/15/16)
- Session 1 - October 2-October 7 5002AD (2/02/16)
- Characters (2/02/16)
- Background (2/02/16)
Gentleman Gamer (Raoul)- Writer's block (7/07/16) - With some help from a friend, I deal with my writer's block.
- Campaign structure � Encounters and conspiracies (6/23/16) - The conpyramid and you! Or how I stopped fearing the campaign structure.
- The strategic view � Fixing Skills (and Combat) in my campaign (6/16/16) - I discuss the reason why some skills were useless in my game so far - and the nature of the social contract of GURPS.
- What mechanics to use � Characters and stats (6/08/16) - I delve into the different mechanics I am going to use in my campaign, finally taking the effort to study up on Fatigue points.
- Yes, and... (6/02/16) - A discussion of various narrative interactive roleplay systems and how to make a similar system available within GURPS.
- Operation Sandman - the premise and where I went wrong (5/27/16) - A quick sketch of the premise of my failed campaign and a discussion of how I plan to fix it.
- Challenge Accepted (5/26/16) - My first post in a new series - where I take up Mailanka's challenge and write down my mission statement.
Hard Maths (CTA)- Playbook: Focus Enchantment (6/03/16)
- Playbook: Alternative Reluctant Killer (4/04/16)
- GURPSGen (4/02/16) - Posting a still in-development bunch of Python programs for GURPS.
- Equipment Locker: Battlesuit Point Defence (3/05/16)
- Utility Closet: Balance Calculations for Damage, Armour and Penetration (3/03/16)
- Playbook: Zero-G Dodge (3/01/16)
- Ars Mundi: The Serpens Codex (2/28/16)
- Equipment Locker: Laser Sword (2/26/16)
- Equipment Locker: The Swordstaff (2/24/16)
- Ars Mundi: Redpowder (2/17/16)
- World-R-Us: Alexandria (2/15/16)
- Playbook: High-Cyclic Controlled Bursts for Ultra-Tech Guns (2/13/16)
- Equipment Locker: Karpov Arms LBV-M47 (2/11/16)
- Introns (2/09/16)
Let's GURPS (Pseudonym)- Review: Pyramid #3/76 Dungeon Fantasy IV (9/29/16) - For being the fourth issue with the name Dungeon Fantasy, it has a surprisingly low barrier to entry.
- Review: Pyramid #3/60 - Dungeon Fantasy III (9/28/16) - An issue for the Dungeon Fantasy Initiated... or people who REALLY like Wizards or Mystic Knights.
- Boardroom and Curia: Temple of Demeter (9/27/16) - A TL 5+2 Monastery to a farming deity in a supernatural setting.
- Boardroom and Curia: Enchantment Factory (9/27/16) - A TL 5+2 factory that produces magic items for a setting where magic and enchantment are relatively common.
- Sorcery: (Inspired By) Squirtle (9/25/16) - Some water type attacks inspired by pokemon.
- Math: Encumbrance - Lifting ST or Dodge and Move? (9/24/16) - Lifting ST or Enhanced Dodge and Move?
- GURPS Character Sheet: Version 4.5.1 is Out! (9/24/16) - Exotic Physiology, Equipment modifiers, and more detailed notes.
- Limitations: Gadget (9/23/16) - Thoughts on the gadget limitation, which gives big discounts on advantages; should the drawbacks be big as well?
- Cross-Post: GURPSDay Summary and Reflections (9/23/16)
- Ritual Path Magic: Some Path of Mind spells (9/22/16) - Some path of mind/mesmerism themed spells for RPM/Incantation.
- Ritual Path Magic: Some Path of Body Focused Rituals (9/21/16) - Some spells that might be useful for one of my players and some examples highlighting the difference in Incantation Magic stats and Ritual Path Magic stats.
- Sorcery: (Inspired By) Charmander Abilities (9/20/16) - Some fire type attacks inspired by pokemon.
- Fundamentals: Hidden Doors (9/20/16) - How to find secret doors, and things to think about when including them in a dungeon.
- Opinions: Dungeon Fantasy 1 - Occupational Template (9/18/16) - My opinions on the Dungeon Fantasy 1 occupational templates.
- Opinions: Dungeon Fantasy 3 - Racial Templates (9/17/16) - My opinions on the Dungeon Fantasy 3 racial templates.
- Review: Thaumatology - Urban Magics (9/16/16) - A fun inspiring toolbox book from start to end.
- Cross-Post: GURPSDay Summary and Reflections (9/15/16)
- Encounter: Indescribable Monkey (9/15/16) - What is that thing it is about to throw?
- Mechanics: How to Build a Resistance Group (9/14/16) - Where to find guidance on detailed creation of a resistance organization rebelling against the people in charge.
- Review: Pyramid #3/50 - Dungeon Fantasy II (9/13/16) - Great if you have all the prerequisites, not as useful otherwise.
- Mechanics: Encouraging Cooperation (9/12/16) - A list of cooperative abilities and some thoughts on applying them.
- Review: Pyramid #3/86 - Organizations (9/11/16) - How to build lairs and tons of example organizations!
- Mechanics: Ritual Path Magic versus Incantation (9/10/16) - A high level comparison of the mechanics of Incantation versus RPM.
- Review: Dungeon Fantasy 19 - Incantation Magic (9/09/16) - A new take on magic for Dungeon Fantasy. Trade speed and agility for versatility and power!
- Cross-Post: GURPSDay Summary and Reflections (9/08/16)
Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell'Orto)- DF Kickstarter - Final 3 Days (9/28/16)
- Revised GURPS Magic: Entombment (9/27/16)
- Pictures from DF Session 80 (9/26/16)
- DF Game, Session 80, Felltower 53 - Delving Deeper (9/26/16)
- Emergency DF session! (9/25/16)
- DF Session Summary 79: Addendum (9/22/16)
- GURPS Purchases on W23 and the DF Kickstarter (9/21/16)
- eBay auction coming soon (9/20/16)
- The DF Kickstarter so far (9/17/16)
- Recognition as a flat bonus (9/16/16)
- More thoughts Hidden Lore and Recognition rolls (9/15/16)
- DF Felltower: Rumor Rules Option 3 (9/14/16)
- Pictures from Sunday's DF Session (9/13/16)
- DF Game Session 79, Felltower 52 (9/13/16)
- DF Session pre-summary (9/12/16)
- New Release: Dungeon Fantasy 19 (9/09/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy: Steal Which Bits? - Part II (9/08/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy: Steal Which Bits? - Part I (9/07/16)
- The Tone of DF, and Using Bits Elsewhere (9/05/16)
- DF Felltower - Revised Rumor Rules (9/04/16)
- A deeper look at the DF Kickstarter (9/02/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter is live (9/01/16)
- The Dungeon Fantasy RPG (8/31/16)
- My DF "this is awesome" moment (8/31/16)
- What's in the DF box? (8/30/16)
Gothridge Manor (Tim Shorts)- Dungeon Fantasy that Echoes Vancian Magic (9/10/16)
- GURPSDay: First Character (2/25/16)
- Character Creation, No Funneling Involved (7/12/12)
- Game Night (8/09/11)
- Malgic (7/13/11)
- Tonight We Begin (6/20/11)
- Mining the OSR for GURPS (6/14/11)
- Low-Tech, Knockspell and One Weird Die (1/16/11)
- What Gaming Stuff I've Been Tinkering With (12/29/10)
- GURPS, 4th Edition, and Playtesting for Goodman Games (11/15/10)
- 100 Followers and Oh God, Not Another Magic System (11/05/10)
- GURPS, its not just a noise (6/14/10)
- The Use of Missile Weapons in Melee Combat (5/21/10)
- A Good Week for Gaming (4/17/10)
- What to Buy Next (3/03/10)
- Yes, Another Blog About Experience Points (12/28/09)
- Interview with Bob Liddil : Part 1 (9/13/09)
- Critical Hit Table(s) (8/28/09)
- Different Age of Gaming (4/30/09)
Northport (Denis McCarthy)- Blood & Treasure 2e Hardcopy now available (9/14/16)
- GURPS Magic and Me (9/11/16)
- You All Meet in a Tavern� (9/08/16)
- Lovecraftian Art Show (8/16/16)
- Painting and visits from another blog (8/11/16)
- Blood & Treasure 2e is out! (8/04/16)
- A quick Review and a progress update (7/27/16)
- Dark Albion: Cults of Chaos, a quick review (7/21/16)
- Some progress and a sneak peak (7/13/16)
- Getting a little farther along � (7/05/16)
Of Paper Men and Plastic Monsters (Cole Jenkins)- The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Kickstarter (9/29/16) - Last day of the Kickstarter!
- Madness Dossier ZIASUDRA Session Recap (9/18/2016) Part II (9/28/16) - The second part of the recap of the first session of my Madness Dossier game.
- Madness Dossier ZIASUDRA Session Recap (9/18/2016) Part I (9/23/16) - The first part of the recap of the first session of my Madness Dossier game.
- Pyramid: The Dungeon Fantasy Collection (9/19/16) - What's (probably) in Pyramid: The Dungeon Fantasy Collection?
- Madness Dossier - Some Template Observations (9/15/16) - Some observations about the SANDMAN templates in GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier.
- Madness Dossier- Ontotectonic Projection (2014.05.03) (9/13/16) - The first "Oil-Spot" strategic map in my GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier game.
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic (9/12/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Tone - Correction and Continuation (9/06/16)
- The Tone of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy (9/04/16)
- Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Box Set Kickstarter (9/02/16)
- Madness Dossier- Talent Alternative Benefits (9/01/16)
- GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier -Rules Options (8/30/16)
- GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier - Character Creation (8/29/16)
- Mal Tor'an Update (8/27/15)
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Megadungeon: Mal Tor'an (8/03/15)
- (Sort of) Designer's Notes for "More Psionic Threats" (7/08/15)
- GURPS Magic: How to Make a Multi-Use Trap Out of Nearly Any Spell. (5/08/15)
- Clerics of Order and Chaos: Designer's Notes (5/01/15)
Celti's Chatter (Patrick Burroughs)- On Blindness (2/23/16) - In which, the author rejects munchkinism with disadvantages and suggests a limit.
- On Improvisation (2/22/16) - In which, the author GMs by the seat of his pants.
- Holistic Technology (1/29/16) - In which the author takes cyber-physical systems in Altered States to extremes.
- What's the Frequency, Kenneth? (1/28/16) - In which the author talks about frequency limitations in GURPS.
- An Altered State of Mind (1/25/16) - In which the author discusses GURPS, cyberpunk, world-building, and Altered States.
- GURPS Aging Calculator (1/23/16) - In which the author talks about programming for games and the GURPS aging rules.
Into the Storydark (Morgrim)- [GURPs] Converting Morrowind (8/21/16) - Thinking what would be needed to play a game set in Morrowind
- Thanan Bestiary: Bruma (2/27/16)
- Thanan Bestiary: Tylos (12/26/15)
Worlds Beyond Earth (Derrick White)- Seige Crab (9/08/16)
- Monster Hunters: Between Man and Wolf (8/25/16)
- What is my TL anyways? (8/17/16)
- The Hawfax (Species) (8/05/16)
- The Refuges: Stornuso (stars in an ocean) (8/02/16)
- On Making Immortal Characters Seem Old (7/25/16)
- Magic As Technology (6/07/16)
- Invasion of the Hawfax: The Jungle War (5/11/16)
- On Sea Monsters (5/06/16)
- Journal of the Dice: Not this Blog (5/06/16)
- Cinematic Sword Play (4/25/16)
- Monster Hunters: Cononel Rush, Mad Scientist (4/21/16)
- Adapting Collaborative Gaming to Monster Hunters (4/15/16)
- Collaborative Gamer's Adventure System (4/13/16)
- The Refuges: Introduction to Riask (4/08/16)
- Mystral Blooded (4/08/16)
- Mystral Automotons (4/08/16)
- Mystral Weapons (4/07/16)
- Mystral Energy (4/07/16)
- The Refuges: Worlds of Safety, Worlds of Terror (4/01/16)
- The Sword of Ryland: Characters (Gurps) (3/26/16)
- ICOPs, Gurps Action, and the BAT (3/20/16)
- Sword Of Ryland: The Map (3/10/16)
- Essential Resources: The MyGurps IQ rule (3/08/16)
- The Human Destiny: Aliens Reworked (3/07/16)
The Red Mouser (Gotha)- Setting: Suez 56 � Character templates (4/06/16)
- Resource page update: TheMook.net (3/29/16)
- It�s more than just GURPS (3/23/16)
- How did it go? (3/16/16)
- Plots: lists and generators (3/13/16)
- Game Mastering with mind maps (3/09/16)
- It�s official: GURPS is #1! (3/08/16)
- GURPS After The End 1: Wastelanders is out! (3/04/16)
- GCS 4.3 has been released (3/03/16)
- Resource page update (3/01/16)
Insidious GURPS Planning (Mr. Insidious)- Aeon C-Team S2E3: Marsh has a Pleasant and Wonderful Time (9/15/16)
- Aeon C-Team S2E2: Never Gonna Make You Cry (8/25/16) - The C-Team holds a tear gas fiesta for a huge MORNING TIDE lab in downtown New York. Later, AEGIS' resident mind reader discovers something troubling about one C-Team Member's reason for being with the Subway.
- Aeon C-Team S2E1: Something tells me Cindy wasn't into Hard Rock THAT much (8/11/16)
- Veracity's Downtime: Part 1, Meeting The Judge (8/07/16) - When the Subway doesn't command his full uninterrupted attention, Agent Veracity gets to work on personal projects. This time around he tracks down a dangerous vigilante with an axe to grind against Blue Skies.
- Aeon C-Team S1E3: Capturing the Carpenter (7/27/16)
- VTT Rant: Port Forwarding and my Love/Hate relationship with Roll20 (7/15/16)
- C-Team S1E2: GUNTHER NO LIKE RELISH (6/16/16)
- You should be checking out Johnny 3d6 (and some updates) (6/05/16)
- AEON C-Team Session 1: Management Would Like to Thank you for not Subverting the Dominant Paradigm (6/01/16)
- Meet C-Team's Resident Conspiratard: Agent Veracity (5/26/16) - I got selected for the C-Team! I've been given permission to show you my character! It's only lightly redacted!
- GCS Tips: Making Templates (5/21/16) - Learn how to make GURPS templates in GCS.
- The Burden of being the Party Leader (5/09/16) - Being the party leader in-character inevitably leads to being a leader out-of-character.
- GURPS Fail: Garrotes and Targeted Attack (4/27/16) - Garrote has a funky interaction with a technique introduced in Tactical Shooting that bugs me.
- GURPS Fail: Digital Possession (4/23/16) - The Possession Advantage doesn't really work well when you're talking about taking over sessile computers in a modern setting without robots and androids running around.
- Prohibition Mob: A Position of Overwhelming Strength? (4/10/16) - Isaac and Tony fuck up royally. Read to find out how.
- Prohibition Mob: Craig Bartley (4/01/16)
- Starting a new Biweekly game, Looking for one More Player (3/22/16)
- A possible solution to my mapping woes? (3/19/16)
- Danger Sense: Think more Intuitively (3/17/16) - Jumping on the Danger Sense bandwagon, I take a different approach at the problem.
- Sam's new Enemy (3/10/16)
- Defeating Security: Some EXCELLENT videos (3/04/16)
- Prohibition Mob: Serendipity, Bitch (3/02/16) - Luck gets all the love, but I make a short case for Serendipity.
- Getting Past Doors: Modern Options (2/19/16) - I take a more modern look at getting past locks and doors. And I show off a picture of that one time I reprogrammed an electronic road sign.
- Tales of Symphonia: Expheres in GURPS (2/18/16) - I take a look at Expheres from Tales of Symphonia and stat them out using GURPS.
- Prohibition Mob: Dead Man's Party (2/11/16)
The Phantom's Belch (Ted Brock)- Star Wars On the Cheap: 200-point Ship Mechanic/Slicer (9/22/16)
- Wagons, Ho! (9/10/16)
- Star Wars - Old Republic Era Smuggler/Gunslinger (8/17/16)
- Superhero Game Power Modifiers - What, When, and Why? (8/11/16)
- Doing Stormtrooper Armor with GURPS Ultra-Tech (3/29/16)
Armin's GCA 5 Blog (Armin Sykes)- Store bits, get bits, edit bits (3/15/16)
- Extending the Party a bit (3/10/16)
- Bits of conditional fencing (3/06/16)
- A bit of a grab bag (3/04/16)
- Grab bag of bits and bugs (2/27/16)
- Still improving Party bits (2/24/16)
- A specific problem bit addressed (2/21/16)
- A little more GM bits work (2/17/16)
- A little bit for GMs perhaps (2/10/16)
- So few bits, so much time (1/29/16)
RogerBW's Blog (Roger Bell-West)- GURPS Adaptations, William H. Stoddard (9/22/16)
- Pyramid 93: Cops and Lawyers (9/11/16)
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 18: Power Items, Sean Punch (9/03/16)
- GURPS Magic: Death Spells, Sean Punch (8/15/16)
- GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills, Sean Punch (8/07/16)
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures, Sean Punch (7/30/16)
- Pyramid 92: Zombies (7/20/16)
- Back to School at Dartmouth in space (7/14/16)
- Pyramid 91: Thaumatology IV (7/10/16)
- Pyramid 90: After the End (6/21/16)
A Literate Programmer's Blog (The Literate Programmer)- Dust - Session One (9/27/16)
- Ibram Garro - My new GURPS character (9/19/16)